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Richard Kimball

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Everything posted by Richard Kimball

  1. Guy I worked with played golf at UT. He took a part time job at one of the major country clubs for something like $7 an hour cause employees got to play the course. I used to check my watch when we'd start talking to see how long it took him to start talking about golf. Never more than a minute, and I don't play golf or care about it, so it wasn't like there was an opening for him to start talking about it. Used to have to interrupt him, cause he'd relive every stroke on a round if you didn't stop him. I asked him why he didn't go pro, cause you gotta be pretty good to play for UT. He said, "I don't like golf that much." I said, "What the hell are you talking about. You're obsessed with golf." He said to be good enough to turn pro he'd have to ignore his family, holidays, and everything else in life. As obsessed as he was, he said he couldn't ignore everything else in life to chase the pro tour.
  2. Don't have a story that good, but when I was with Austin Fire, made a wreck on I-35. Saw three people in the front seat of something like a Toyota Celica, and three in the back. I asked if everyone was okay, not knowing none of them spoke English. They all nodded okay. Turned out none of them understood me, some of them were hurt, and there were people behind the people in the back seat. Ten people in that car. Fortunately, nobody had life threatening injuries, but I felt like one of those magicians pulling scarves out of his sleeve. EMS was pissed. They kept having to bring more units.
  3. That's great! Stents are no joke.
  4. 66. Spent ten days in the hospital last month with COVID. Usually in pretty good shape, but that whipped me. Still getting over it.
  5. Even if interest in pro sports has flattened, the networks are in a bind, as sports is the only thing left that people will tune in to watch live, and the NFL has the highest ratings of any live sports programming.
  6. Don't have ESPN anymore, but they had an option where you could just watch the sky cam. I watched any game where they offered it. You didn't get replay, but on most games you could hear the stadium announcer and didn't have to listen to the commentators. That was another plus.
  7. Not sure, but I don't think Tom Brady has ever been higher than 12th or so in QB salary. However, both of Brady's teams were smart enough to use that money to fill out the roster with good quality players. If Dak took 25 million like Brady did, I have trouble seeing the Cowboys use the extra 15 million or so wisely.
  8. Crazy how much things have changed. When I was a student at UT, there were several faculty members going out with students. Never heard of an instructor harassing a student, but there were definitely faculty/student hookups.
  9. You make good points. Shaka is a great recruiter, and at VCU he was able to recruit guys, and they could out talent most of the teams they played. Look at the VCU schedule this year. How many losses would Texas have with that schedule? West Virginia is the only possible one I see, and UT split with them this year. Thing is, though, you're not going win against Kansas, Baylor, Oklahoma, Texas Tech and West Virginia with talent alone. That's where the game planning comes in. Top to bottom, the Big 12 is a terrific basketball conference. Probably 2/3rds of the schools are recruiting at a very high level, and when you have similar talent, it comes down to game planning and setting up mismatches with the other team. Your point on Bilas, also, is important. Smart commentators know they have a megaphone and that off the cuff comments can blow up. I've never gotten this impression about Smart, but I've known some coaches that will carry a grudge for years over a relatively off hand comment.
  10. Probably posted several times already, but they have some great old classics. During the snow week I caught the original Stagecoach and Sunset Blvd again.
  11. Tell Jimmy not to worry. That son of a bitch does it to everyone.
  12. Gotta give cred to him. He was one of the first to have a crazy celebration. He was also 5'9", and did it in an era when guys like Jack Tatum could still legally decapitate you on the next series.
  13. If Cam returns to the Patriots, they get some decent receivers, and use the offense to take advantage of his running skills, he could be successful with them. I didn't watch the Pats much this year, but the change from Brady, one of the best ever at reading defenses and throwing the receiver open, but has the mobility of a small office building, to Newton, who isn't nearly as good at reading defenses, but can force the defense to dedicate players to watch his running capability, probably takes more than one year. Contract size isn't an issue with Newton right now. He's looking for redemption after being released by the Panthers and the rough season last year with the Pats. I can't think of another team that's ready to contend for the playoffs where he would fit. Rivera is coaching Washington now, and spent ten years with Newton. Their QB roster may be a little crowded, though.
  14. If there's one thing most people don't expect, it's having an engine come flying through the front door of their apartment and hitting them.
  15. Yeah, pretty asinine for me to comment on a football player on a football thread.
  16. So do Lamar Jackson, Matt Ryan, Rich Gannon and Brian Sipe.
  17. Whether it was a good signing or not wasn't the point of my post.
  18. Yeah, here's some of Emmitt's showboating after scoring a 75 yard TD against the Redskins. Slaps hands with a few fans then hugs his teammates.
  19. It's an old meme, but it checks out.
  20. Random thoughts on Newton. Always hated that pretending to rip his shirt open like he's Superman thing. Course, I wasn't the audience for that. I'm one of the old guys who liked seeing Emmitt Smith score the touchdown and head back to the sidelines. Serious narcissist brought back down to earth by the realities of NFL football. Dude has a ton of talent and has been a great player. He could have been better if he'd kept his ego in check and been a team leader instead of a "look at me" guy. If nothing changes, he'll forever be defined by that moment in the Super Bowl when he did that stutter step instead of jumping on the ball. His wardrobe choices are questionable. When Matt Rhule did the interview saying he'd love to have Newton play for him, I knew he was never going to take a snap from a Matt Rhule coached team. Belichick went from the ultimate team quarterback to the ultimate "me" quarterback. Newton did his best with the Patriots, but he's so different from Brady, it was a huge shift for a team that was already successful. It would be like going from Troy Aikman to Michael Vick. The entire offensive philosophy has to change to accommodate that different a quarterback. He didn't deserve the lip from that kid at his camp.
  21. That's awesome. My Corvette story didn't have a happy ending. I ran up on one at the old Corvette Country in Austin. It was an 85, and about fifteen years old at the time. Never wrecked, I had an old truck they gave me $5500 for, paid cash for the other $4500. I loved that car. My wife hated it, and gave me shit about it every day for a solid year until I sold it. Traded it in for a new pickup. Closest I ever came to getting a divorce was over that car. She did shit I'd never seen her do before. Gave the keys to a friend of ours, and tried to talk him into taking it and driving by us and waving at us as he drove by. He wouldn't do it, cause guys understand that kind of shit. Anyway, for the next six months after I got rid of it, she'd keep asking me, "How do you like the new pick up?" I'd tell her, "It's a pickup. It's fine." She finally started saying, "If I knew how much you liked the Corvette, I wouldn't have mentioned selling it." This ought to be on the "Wives" thread.
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