You can safely ignore this post. It's me rambling, trying to stay awake during a three hour session. At least the Minnow had Ginger and Mary Anne.
Oh God. VP coming around rapping on tables, trying to drum up enthusiasm. Only about half as many people here for second three hours, so, harder to hide, but easier to get a chair where no one can get behind me and see I'm surfing. Have a throw down word processing file I can pull up if necessary.
"We're going to have an important conversation." translation: "Shut up and listen."
OMG, this is worse than the part about laws. Core values, rules of the road, people, inclusiveness, communication, excellence and integrity. Leadership team hasn't done good job of communicating, so they're going to annoy the shit out of us by having more meetings.
HEY! We've got a poster! Here's a poster with generic clip art of laughing people having more fun than you ever have and buzz words. We're all in this together. Buzzword bingo. We can't do this by ourselves. It's a team effort. Courageous conversations. Just hit diverse on the buzzword bingo. That should be a free space. Sensitivity training video coming up.
VP is wearing a bow tie. Personal note: only wear a bow tie with a tuxedo. We'll be open and courageous in our communication. Pretty sure they don't want to know what I really think.
Does this post count as paying attention? Is cynicism a core value? If I'm making fun of the presentation while it's going on, I'm still paying attention. Jeez: We're going to walk the talk. I think he meant walk the walk. This bubbled up from us. We can all pat ourselves on the back. We need to celebrate the good stuff we do.
Weird, I have a great attitude towards my job until they drag me to one of these fake "let's celebrate ourselves" meetings. We're doing great things, and we're going to do more great things. We're getting everyone on a level playing field.
Oooooohhhh, powerpoint with charts. Trying to put a positive spin on bad numbers.
OK, confession, they finally have some decent info. Relevant to our jobs. ten minutes of good info in four hours is above their average.
45 minutes in: Presenters keep asking if there are questions. NO! We want out!
Settled into a low buzz of tedium and glazed eyes now.
Dammit. I was stretching when presenter asked for questions. Hopeful look at me, I shake my head no. No one turns around to see what fool thought about asking a question.
These meetings wouldn't bug me as much if I didn't know how they worked. "Listening sessions" aren't about finding out what they should do. If you go to a listening session, they've already decided what to do. They're determining who will fall in line and who they'll have to kill off.Search for "Mao let a hundred flowers blossom." Pro tip: don't invite a guy who used to be in charge of doing these things come to one as an attendee.
Breaking now. Another hour and a half to glory.