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Richard Kimball

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Everything posted by Richard Kimball

  1. Not sure why, but the Kansas press has been after Snyder this year. That answer was after a couple of reporters asked him the same question about the starting QB four times. He answered it three times, and finally told them to write whatever the hell they wanted. There's not that much Kansas press, but for some reason, they thought Snyder was doing something nefarious between Skylar Thompson and Alex Delton to prop up Delton and keep Thompson from being the starter. Neither are particularly good quarterbacks, but the press has really gone after Snyder over it. I've always respected Snyder as a guy who took a historically terrible team and made them competitive. It would be nice if he could retire on his own terms, but for that to happen, he would have to retire.
  2. All I can think about is James Woods telling a story about how he had to sing it in a talent show. Still trying to imagine James Woods singing "Both Sides Now."
  3. Love you, too. Feels good to be here.
  4. Wow! Flattered some of y'all thought of me. I get busy sometimes, and didn't get over to the old site for a while, then came back in August for the start of football season, and was like "WHAT THE EVERLOVING FUCK?" Kept doing web searches for message boards until I found y'all, and read up a little on the history of the changeover. Good to see all of you again.
  5. I'll bet you're old enough to remember Roman Gabriel, Deacon Jones, and Merlin Olsen as players. The Rams 60s whites were some of the coolest uniforms ever. I hated it when they went to the blue and yellow.
  6. Was that before he grew his hair out and started wearing number 60?
  7. Dunno about y'all, but I'm so happy right now I could shit.
  8. Aggy's losing. That means we come back in the second half.
  9. Two of the refs look like they're on roids. One looks like he's got roids.
  10. Not giving up yet. Fat guy with glasses says we can come back.
  11. Back when I worked for Austin Fire, (70s, 80s, 90s) territory maps were a big thing. Almost everyone had a hand made map book with the different territory boxes in them. Most of them were hand drawn, although some of us would get the wall sized city maps and cut them to page size. We'd use white out and ink to make changes, add all the hydrants and write in block numbers where streets dead ended. Knowing the territory was a big deal, cause they didn't designate units. They just toned all the stations and gave the address. You'd better damned well know if a call was yours, cause if you didn't the chief was at the station to have a talk. You also had to keep track of which other units were out of service, cause if a call came in in your second in and you didn't know the first in was out, you had a problem. The map talk also reminded me that when I was younger, I never bought souvenirs when I traveled. I bought a map of the state and the city.
  12. Random neural firing... J. K. Rowling said that in her wildest fantasies of success, she never envisioned doing interviews where people were asking her what years Harry's grandparents went to Hogwarts. Maybe it was Tolkien creating an entire world around characters that started it, or the cult following of Star Trek and Star Wars, but media used to be a lot less concerned with internal consistency. Larry, Moe and Curly were always the same people with the same personalities, but sometimes they were brothers, sometimes friends, or whatever. Their jobs and names changed to fit the plot.You just accepted that the Stooges lived in the 1800s, or were doctors, or private investigators, or whatever the plot demanded. Huey Dewey and Louie were Donald's nephews. There was no back story about how their parents died or ran off and they went to live with Donald. Their parents never existed. They were never written. Disney wanted young ducks to aggravate Donald, but didn't want a parent/child relationship. The Luke/Leia kiss happened because in the first movie, they weren't brother and sister, yet. The book (and movie) Coraline offers a pretty good example of the writing process. The "other mother" is the author. She creates a world based on the real world, but with variations. One of the characters has a lot of her traits. Some characters get out of hand, and seem to do what they want, regardless of what she has planned. Characters that cease to be useful dissolve. When Coraline tries to walk out of the world the other mother has created, the further away she gets from the house, the less detail. Finally, she's walking through nothing, because it doesn't exist. The other mother hasn't thought about it yet. TL;DR: Conference realignment talk not going away.
  13. Is it wrong that I want to beat up whoever came up with the "stop bullying" commercial?
  14. If only there were a PAC 12 lawyer to sort this out.
  15. If you're talking about the Ford commercial, I'd like to give you two upvotes.
  16. This means he's got more credit hours than arrests. So, on schedule.
  17. jeez. take the knee in the end zone. nearly turned a great play into a disaster.
  18. Anybody notice the trainer that hands Patterson towels had one in her hand and two hanging out of her back pockets?
  19. Every time I see this I think about "Butters Very Own Episode."
  20. I'd be boring as crap. Quietly donate to some causes I support. Pay off my house. Create a trust fund for my kids. Not having to worry about money is a lot better than spending a shit ton of money.
  21. The original Captain Marvel was the old Billy Batson character. DC sued, claiming the character was a rip off of Superman, and it got shut down. Marvel recreated the character, cause they owned the name but couldn't use the character, but it never got much traction. They've recreated the character a bunch of times as both male and female. I'm not aware of it ever being a big seller, so it's not like anyone cares that much.
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