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Richard Kimball

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Everything posted by Richard Kimball

  1. Just call the conference championship games the first round of the playoffs. SEC would bitch, cause they get two in frequently, but that's what the CCG should be. That leaves the G5s and independents to divvy the other three slots. Three games with the G5s champs and top independent playing each other. The non conference games basically become exhibition games, but that lets teams schedule without worrying about getting kicked out of contention by an OOC loss. The big thing to remember about the current situation is that it's a show, not a sport. The P5s don't want G5s in the playoffs, because they don't want the competition for talent. Whatever the committee says, the point is to keep the thumb on the scale. They won't outright say it, but the team that gets higher ratings will get the nod. The "data points" are the excuse, not the reason.
  2. Fuckin Mack Brown screwed up the team before he even got here.
  3. A very young Dolly Parton did a solo concert (her and acoustic guitar) for about 16 of us at the Heart of Texas Colosseum. She was probably about 25 or so. It was right after she split from Porter Waggoner.
  4. I never thought I'd say this, but looks pretty good. For this type of movie, you just have to accept Avatar levels of CGI. The Aquaman character seems pretty derivative of Thor, and it looks like DC is moving away from the dark, dark stuff, which they needed to do. I'll give it a shot, if reviews aren't horribad.
  5. This is all true. Additions to your thoughts: Superman is a big problem. He morphed from being about Hulk strength & jumping ability to having unlimited powers, including time travel, and it makes having a compelling story difficult. Batman has been recreated so many times, nobody knows which Batman to use. Zach Snyder has totally screwed the DC Universe, because he makes great visuals, but can't create a story. Watchmen was his best, and he visually followed the comics, almost exactly. When he did Batman vs. Superman, he pulled all the fight scenes from Frank Miller's Dark Knight, and the rest of the incoherent plot was what he came up with to string the fight scenes together. Marvel had to recreate Spider-man after Sony false started twice. DC has fallen into the Watchmen/Dark Knight/Snyder trap. They're not trying to recreate the Nolan Batman series, they're going for the uber dark Watchmen stuff. It creates a bigger problem, because the classic DC characters (Batman excepted) tend towards more playfulness than the classic Marvel characters. The Nolan Batman is impossible to transfer to the rest of the DC characters, because in that world, super powers didn't exist. Superman didn't exist. The Flash could be built into a decent character. Believe it or not, so could Green Lantern. The Martian Manhunter has possibilities. Creating a decent movie about Aquaman would be like Stephen Hawking doing a 360 slam dunk. In addition to having an overarching plot across the movies, Marvel has several characters who never get their own movies, but create a connection between the other movies. Black Widow, Hawkeye, Nick Fury, Falcon, & others, form a glue that keeps the universe cohesive. They also recognized that certain characters, like the Hulk, are too difficult to write a movie around. Oh, this thread was about Captain Marvel. I'll wait and see. I think Marvel's throwing it out there, and if it hits, she becomes a more significant character. If it bombs, she becomes a background character in the future movies. Captain Marvel has been recreated several times, so it's not like they're risking a significant property.
  6. Hey! Covering another game today, but wanted to stop by and say OU sucks.
  7. I could go for that in volleyball.
  8. I was out on a date with a girl that had a reputation as being strange. We're driving down a dark road. She asks me if I believe in witchcraft. I told her no. She bit me on the ear and I turned into a motel.
  9. And hear Pat say, "You're gonna have to buy one."
  10. Just a couple of things from an old guy. Contact lenses, if you can wear them, are a good thing. Glasses age you. If you've been out in the sun too much, like me, long sleeve shirts can help hide the aging on your arms. Short hair is better than long hair if your hair is thinning, but shaving the head can make you look like a walnut wearing a skull cap. The more wrinkles you have, the fewer wrinkles your clothes should have. Stay behind the cutting edge. Wear things that are reasonably in fashion, but not high fashion. Spend a couple of bucks on your clothes. You don't have to go crazy, but higher end pants, shirts, belts and shoes last longer. Have at least one tailored, dark suit. It will last for years if you only wear it occasionally. Get it refitted or buy a new one if you gain or lose weight. Dress for your profession. Different professions have different informal dress codes. Different areas of the country have different informal dress codes also. It's been more than a few years since I was in corporate, but in my profession back then, suits at meetings in New York were expected. Anything more formal than a sport coat (no tie) in California was odd.
  11. I hope he said, "It's over, Anakin" before he pushed him.
  12. This is a thing with a lot of movies, that after the big finale, nobody has to explain all the crazy shit that went down. Best example is the original Fright Night. Billy rescues Amy, and kills the vampire and his henchman. Peter Vincent kills Billy's friend, Evil Ed, who's been turned into a vampire. The cops have been watching Billy, cause of his crazy claims that the next door neighbors are vampires, but nobody has a problem with his best friend ending up naked and dead in his living room with a stairwell support stuck through his heart, and the fact that the next door neighbors both go missing.
  13. I've seen fucked up articles. I've written fucked up articles. That article is beyond fucked up.
  14. I didn't even realize aggy was playing. Then I noticed I was checking scores for the top 25.
  15. Or Alabama. They've just had such a good run under Saban they haven't had anything to bitch about. They crucified just about every coach after Bear Bryant for not being Bear Bryant until Saban became a NC machine.
  16. Since Steinbeck explanations are in vogue, maybe Garrett should talk about Rose of Sharon nursing the team back to health?
  17. Agree on all that, and will also point out that having a huge alumni base is a positive. When Mack was here, though, there were a few "golden teams" in college football. There can be some quibbling, but it was usually considered to be UT, USC, Notre Dame, Alabama, Ohio State. That's dated now. If UT starts winning, they're right back up there. However, they struggle with Tulsa, and high end coaches understand that this isn't a one year fix. The insistence that the Horns play at Alabama level, although they're closer to being Tennessee in terms of performance, makes coaches wonder if they'll get the time to make the necessary changes. As far as money whipping someone, yeah, the Horns can do that, but most large programs can money whip pretty well, and we'd have to go beyond money whipping to stupid level money whipping.
  18. Conference realignment talk not going away. The Longhorn Network is a problem, but mostly because UT has become the Kardashians with a football team attached. Same thing with the Dallas Cowboys. The team isn't the focus. The reality TV show is the focus. Can the Horns be successful as a team while running the network? I don't know, but it might be possible if they'd create a wall between the network and the team, so you wouldn't have players thinking they're celebrities instead of teammates.
  19. I don't think it was that Briles thought he was too good. Y'all already know about the hatred between UT and Baylor. Steve Patterson selecting Briles after a sit down was no sure thing. Patterson didn't really want Briles, but some of the BMDs did. Baylor would have gone batshit crazy if Briles had done one. I'm talking Jessica Walters "Play Misty for Me" crazy, not some pussy "I'm going to throw your clothes on the bed and set them on fire" crazy. Without a guarantee of the job, Briles wasn't going to take the chance. Gary Patterson ain't coming. Patterson was never coming. Patterson loves TCU. TCU loves Patterson. No way he leaves his comfy confines for a place with more drama than a Denny's that has a waitress that's screwing half the kitchen staff. Right now, UT has to roll with Herman. This is not considered the plum coaching job it once was. On this board, it was a foregone conclusion that Mack was a terrible man that should have been fired and shot, but most outsiders didn't see it that way. They saw the University firing a guy that usually won ten games a year, brought a natty, and played for the B12 championship the year he got fired. Strong was fired after three years, and we're talking about firing Herman two games into his second season. References to Steinbeck aside, what top tier coach wants to be at a school that is going to fire coaches that quickly? That said, I've interviewed Herman twice, and. he didn't impress me. OTOH, I don't give a crap if he quotes Percy Shelley, if they'll start winning some games.
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