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Richard Kimball

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Everything posted by Richard Kimball

  1. Figures it was a Leach quote. Damn, I miss that guy.
  2. Does anyone else find it weird that a conference that prides itself on being the smartest conference around screws up contract negotiations this badly? On Zaninovich leaving the PAC to go to Trail Mix or whatever, you know the old joke about the difference between the bacon and the eggs at breakfast? The chicken is involved. The pig is committed. Zaninovich went from being the pig to being the chicken. He can walk away from PAC12 negotiations any time he wants now, and take on other projects.
  3. Oh hell's yeah. Give it a shot. Shit, just get a couple of extras printed, and if you screw one up, who cares, as long as the originals are safe. Check if the printer will take photo paper. The bypass usually feeds it straighter.
  4. Damn, dude, you got my OCD going again. It sounds like you're getting into genealogy, which means this is something you want to pass down to your kids. Start thinking archival. Avoid putting new information directly upon the photograph. @Patricio Swayze suggested printing on adhesive labels, but the glue on those labels will eventually permeate the photos. Here's my suggestion: Take a scan of the original photo. You can have it done professionally, but I use a HP printer/scanner, set to 300 dpi color (even on black and white prints.) All photos will eventually fade and deteriorate. Black and white chemicals are more stable than the color dyes used for color prints (these are the old wet chemical prints, not the newer inkjet prints,) but all will eventually fade. Store these scans with a backup (I use dropbox. If you have an Apple, you can use icloud, etc., but the important thing is to have a copy somewhere off site if you have a fire/computer crash, etc. Get archival quality photo sleeves. An example is here. This is from Amazon, and note it is archival quality, acid free, and non-cling. Normal office supply stuff, including the envelopes, will damage the photos. manilla folders will leach dye into the photo. White envelopes are normally recycled, so they use bleach to get the paper back to an original white color. This bleach will also leach into the photo. Having a sleeve that's acid free and non-cling will prevent chemicals from leaching in, and will prevent the photo from sticking to the front of the sleeve and pulling the image off. Having the photo in a sleeve in a binder will protect it from physical damage, and prevent sunlight or indoor lights from damaging it. Put the genealogy information on a separate piece of paper, and slide it into a different sleeve on the same page. Put the photos into a non-plastic binder. Here's an example, it's got a fabric cover. I wouldn't worry too much about if the notebook is archival, cause the sleeves will protect it, but if you want to go whole hog, you can get an archival notebook that comes with a box for it to be kept in when not viewing. When I was a young bastard, I worked at the Harry Ransom Center. They spend a lot more than I'm suggesting here, but we're talking about stuff like a Gutenberg Bible, not family photos. What I suggested should provide good protection without breaking the wallet.
  5. On most of the new ones, just hit 1 and it will start automatically. All the numbers convert to minutes. Hit 2 to go for two minutes. You can hit the "Add time" button to add thirty seconds. If you want to get precise and cook like "1:15" hit the Time Cook button and it will take it in seconds, but everything left of the ":" will be in minutes. On older ones, 1:00 or :60 doesn't make any difference. Digit on the left of the ":" converts to minutes, so it will go from "1:00" to "0:59" or "0:60" to ""0:59." I'm an OCD guy who's serious about how long I microwave my popcorn.
  6. Dopamine. Alcohol gives you an immediate feedback that is initially positive. Every drunk has one memory of when they reached a point of feeling absolutely perfect, not out of control, but ecstatically happy, mellow, and that everything was right in the world. They spend the rest of their drinking career trying to get that back.
  7. I do sales, so my cell number is out there, and I have to take all calls, so get a lot of calls from spammers. I'm going to admit grudging respect for one of them. He called me, said he was with "Medicare providers...had I received my package...confirm my address and they'll send it out..." I said, "Hey, I'm masturbating right now. Can you call back in a half hour?" Son of a bitch called back.
  8. Off topic, but as bad a movie as Mannequin was, I've probably watched it twenty times just cause Kim Cattrall.
  9. True, and Texas-Oklahoma, Oklahoma-Nebraska, Texas-aggy, Kansas-Mizzery, and several other regional matchups could have been leveraged to build the brand. Unfortunately, the conference thought the future was kissing ass to fat guys in ugly blazers to get a bowl invite. Bad enough management can kill anything. Sears pioneered the mail order business and should have been Amazon. Kodak invented the digital camera. What Yormark is showing is that there are other ways to leverage your brand.
  10. Troof. There's a paradox in sports viewership of habit and "new shiny thing." A new shiny thing program has to have sustained success over a period of time in order to become a habit. In private schools, the only big brands I can think of are Southern Cal, Notre Dame and way further down the line, ...............Miami? SoCal and Notre Dame both had on the field success, but more important was that SoCal became the "go to" team for movie studios back in the old days due to their proximity to most of the studios, and were featured in a lot of movies. The Catholic Church used to have an envoy to the movie industry. Knute Rockne, All American, was an advertisement for Notre Dame. If you look at all the old sports movies from the 30s, 40s, and 50s, if they featured football, the teams portrayed were either going to be SoCal or Notre Dame. Boise State shows the problem of a new shiny thing becoming a brand. To become a brand, you have to beat a brand. During their good runs, none of the brands wanted to play them, cause there was nothing in it for them. Beating Boise State didn't help their brand, and how much shit did Oklahoma catch for losing to them? There are also some teams that will NEVER become brands, regardless of success on the field. TCU, Vanderbilt, Baylor, etc. There's only room for so many brands. Even in the NFL, regardless of on field success, I don't think you ever see the Jacksonville Jaguars or Tennessee Titans become a brand. In three more years will be the 60th Super Bowl. Dallas was last in Super Bowl 30. Unless they do something unexpected, it will be over half of Super Bowl history where the Cowboys haven't made an appearance, and they're still the most popular NFL team. Hell, the Cleveland Browns haven't been relevant since Art Modell fired Paul Brown in 1963 and ran off Jim Brown by fining him for missing part of spring camp while making The Dirty Dozen. They're still the tenth most popular franchise. When UT is good, it unites the entire state, except for College Station.
  11. Technically yes, but they’ve never prevented a hire from happening. They just STRONGLY advise against it and schools for the most part fall in line. When Alabama wanted to hire Freeze as an offensive assistant, that’s what happened from my understanding. Watch as this board goes from "Texas will never fire the domestic abuser because they only care about winning" ...to... "Chris Beard is innocent until proven guilty and you are just sad he's not your coach anymore!" The bar has been irrevocably lowered when it comes to anything remotely to do with sports or politics. I'm convinced that 70 percent of people would be ok with child murder as long as the guy was on their team and a winner be it in sports or politics. We have no moral center or sense of ethics beyond ourselves and we as a people have become selfish, cruel, and impetuous. Call us on it and we'll claim you're just white knighting, trying to 'cancel' us, too woke or whatever other buzzword comes around. A people bereft of any values or sense of right and wrong can't fathom someone who actually does believe in those things. From secrant. Slightly off topic, but a friend of mine has a daughter that goes to Bama. He's a pretty well heeled, informed guy, makes good money, etc. He knew all about the three Alabama players and the shooting. He flew out to see her and they went to a Bama basketball game. He said he hoped Miller didn't get suspended, cause he wanted to see him play. Mind=boggled. He had no problem with his daughter walking around a campus where the University clearly dgaf about three of their players being involved in shooting a girl cause she turned one of them down. Back on topic. Good for Texas. The Bama situation and the Beard situation are not comparable, but Texas didn't try to cover it up, and cut him loose. Too harsh, too soon? Maybe. But they also sent a clear message to every player and coach who wants to be a Longhorn. There are standards here, and that wasn't it.
  12. Richard Kimball


    NSIAP. Josh Pate gets what Oklahoma-Texas is about.
  13. I think Colorado is the key. They've sucked for a while, but with Sanders coming in as coach, they're getting eyeballs again. He does anything on the field, and with their recent history, improving on that is a low bar, and Colorado is featured on Sportscenter every weekend. Beyond that, though, Arizona and Arizona State have to move as a pair. That's twice as many moving parts. Utah is reticent, for some reason. Washington State is less of a target, but would probably jump in a minute. Colorado already has a B12 history, and they've already shown they'll jump conferences. When the first school tumbles, the B12 can pick from several schools. Even Oregon and Washington might look, if the B12 doesn't require them to sign a grant of rights, and gives them an out if the B1G calls. Stanford and Cal will probably never be options. They'd rather take the Rice or Ivy League route than be part of what they consider a group of substandard colleges. There's some of that at UT. When I was a student in the 70s, when the Houston Cougars beat Texas 30-0, a lot of the faculty I knew (Art Department) were giggling about the loss, and saying Texas should quit worrying about football so much. The Art faculty was pissed at athletics, cause they had the BMD receptions before the games at the old Huntington (I think it was Huntington) gallery in the art building, and sometimes the BMDs would hang their coats on the sculptures. They also considered all the athletes knuckle draggers.
  14. Pretty sure it was a one armed man. It's happened before.
  15. IIRC, that was an Oklahoma thing. Nebraska wanted it. At the time, the big 3 were Texas, Oklahoma and Nebraska. Oklahoma wanted the Red River Shootout, as it was called then, and thought it would put them at a disadvantage to play both Texas and Nebraska every year. Nebraska got pissed, because Oklahoma was their big rival, kind of like aggy got pissed to find out Oklahoma was the big rival for Texas. It was also their biggest media exposure game of the year.
  16. FWIW, I covered a bowl game at that stadium a few years ago, and everyone affiliated with the stadium was a prick. Checked the field turf before the game, and it was like walking in a Louisiana swamp. Utterly overwatered. It was like walking on sections of grass that had just been laid out and watered that afternoon. It's a stupid ass big tray that they roll in and out. My guess is the people that manage the turf there are as big a pricks as everyone else associated with the stadium, and told the old man, "Hey, this is different. We know what we're doing, you just don't understand how this works." Then they ignored him and fucked up the field. He's in his nineties, and said, "screw this."
  17. Yeah, I'm five years late, but it's still obligatory...
  18. Not sure the B12 would still be around if they hadn't added the four schools. BYU, UCF, UH and Cincy were the perfect combination of good enough to win some games and not big enough to expect an SEC/B1G invite. I think OU/UT thought either the PAC would grab one of the irate 8 or WVU would jump to the ACC or KU would snag a B1G off their basketball history, and the conference would dissolve. ESPN wanted to kill off one of the conferences, and would have done some "projections" that would have sweetened the pot to get someone to grab a B12 leftover, and the conference would have dissolved, meaning the GOR would be moot and OU/UT could walk out for nothing. Aggy, by springing the info early, gave the B12 leftovers time to get a real commissioner and put together a viable future. Once the B12 got a commissioner, the P12 became the next target for destruction, and outsmarting the P12 is like beating Christopher Reeve at hopscotch. The P12 could have killed the B12 by making an offer to Tech/OkieLite, but they didn't, cause flyover country. If they had done it, it would have been to kill the B12, not add value, but they didn't see that they were the next ones in the cross hairs. Agree. The B1G has OSU, Michigan, maybe Penn State, and a bunch of mediocre teams with big fan bases. It would be wishful thinking, but if the B12 got Oregon, Washington, Clemson and FSU, they could rename the conference, "Coast to Coast, Up All Night." Art Bell would have been proud.
  19. Got this photo at the game. Sorry to not be photographing a victory.
  20. Eight of Baylor's free throws were after deliberate fouls by Texas in the last minute. Texas also missed the front end of several one and ones. Fouls were pretty even until about six minutes left. Baylor got up by fourteen and the Horns went to a full court press and took chances on defense. It worked, some. The Horns got several turnovers and took it down to a seven point deficit in the final minute.
  21. They might add on screen branding, but they won't reduce the amount of commercials unless they can't sell all the ads. Too much money is never enough. When cable TV first came in, one of the arguments was that if people paid for TV, the networks wouldn't have to sell ads. As soon as cable became the norm, the networks said..."Why shouldn't we sell ads AND charge a monthly fee?" The official soft drink of the Longhorns. The official proctologist of the Longhorns. The official chiropractor of the Longhorns. $10 soft drinks. $75 polo shirts. How much do companies pay to get their ads on the Godzillatron? How many ads run on the ribbon boards? How much does a tailgate spot cost for the season? These are all revenue streams that didn't used to exist, and we all know what would happen if someone said, "Hey, we're making all this money from advertising and branding. Why don't we lower season ticket prices?" They'd get kicked out of the meeting. When our big SECSECSEC paycheck comes in, they're gonna stick the money in their pockets and look for the next revenue stream.
  22. Remember our motto: "Any kid who averages fifteen points a game deserves a second chance."
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