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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Assman

  1. 3 hours ago, bluto said:

    Iowa was majorly boosted by two pick 6s, both score and forcing ind to be one dimensional catching up. On offense if you take away their 55 yd td run they were 3.3 ypp, not great at all.

    Isu didn’t play poorly, held uni to 2ypc, slow pace game with both teams only running 60 plays. Purdy was very sharp 21-26. Isu just couldn’t finish drives.

    Some books are up to 4’ and even 5 now.

    Iowa also played a pretty good IU team while ISU played a pretty good FCS team.  Not completely apples to apples but I see your point.  It just always seems ISU chokes in this game.

  2. On 9/3/2021 at 7:46 PM, Assman said:

    I hate betting week 1 but I'm only on Michigan v. W. Michigan U66.  Nothing else really jumps out at me but I also suck at betting.

    Added Horns -8.5 late also.  2-0 today.

    What's everyone think about Ole Miss-Louisville U76?  That's a lot of points for opening week when offenses usually start rusty.  Plus no Kiffin on the sidelines.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. Fox is going to fuck us all year long.  In their eyes, I'm sure we're single-handedly ruining their CFB lineup.  Prepare to have every pre-game dipshit bad mouth us, and we'll probably even catch shade from Gus and Joel.  The sooner we can leave, the better.

  4. 3 hours ago, Thatguy said:

     I thought I wanted one as well. I went down and hopped in a 911 and thought it was a solid car but not something I want to spend 100k on. I also don't want to have a car that's a trailer queen either, so I am at an impasse as I like to drive and put miles on a car. So....... we might end up opting for the r8. Ducks for cover!

    What's stopping you from buying a 911 and putting miles on it?  That's my plan once I become rich.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 47 minutes ago, Your Mom said:

    Dialing in the new altitude up top and hitting the alt intv button won't change the descent mode.  It stays in VNAV and will descend to the higher of the two altitudes (the one up top vs the one programmed for the next fix in the FMC).   If you just dial in 3000 and do nothing else it will still level at 6000'.  But hitting the altitude invention button deletes the restriction at the next fix in the FMC and so now the 3000' is the highest altitude set and you'll get a cruise descent to that altitude.

    If it was a different button he hit then it would change the mode.  That low and likely with no other fixes beyond the one you'll cross at 3000 we usually hit Level Change which gives a you flight idle descent to the altitude set up top with no regard whats in the FMC.  

    VNAV is the hardest damn thing I ever had to learn in an airplane and I won't be surprised if I fucked that explanation up.  Even in the RJ I used to fly we just used vertical speed.  Altitude to lose divided by 3 = number of miles out to start down.  Groundspeed times 5  = your descent rate to get there.   VNAV was a whole new world to me and it didn't come easy.

    That explanation is still pretty spot on.  I still fuck it up from time to time.

  6. 4 hours ago, InkaUtexas said:

    Very busy, especially with the closing of Bagram, but it ain't LAX. 


    Fun story. I was on a King air taking off from HKIA. About 10 feet off the ground our left engine seized. I mean the fucker would not even feather. I wake up my buddy who is sitting on the other side of the aisle. The South African pilots put us in the front rows since we had guns and the majority of the others (8 maybe) had never flown. So I smack him, point out the window and he sees the prop not moving. Well we do figure 8's around Kabul for about an hour slowly gaining altitude and trying to keep air space open. 

    Pilot comes back to talk to us. Luck has it we were all at a bar the night before and had met. Dude was maybe 24, but a seasoned bush pilot. So here is the plan, he says in that bad ass Afrikaner accent. We are going to circle and dive in, at the last minute pulling up and we can only land on the right side, then slowly we will nose down and touch down on the left. He was worried there was something really wrong and the gears would collapse. He tells us he needs us to do two things. My buddy to open the door and me to keep the passengers from rushing. Ya know, incase of fire, etc. 

    We circle, gain altitude and start to nose in. all you can hear from the cockpit is Danger, Danger, Danger... Then we hear a C-130 chime in, Kabul Tower, what the fuck is this plane doing? They forgot to tell the USAF/NATO aircraft there might be an emergency. Anyways, we land, dude does an amazing job, but we did nose in very hard, losing all the landing gear. As a dumb ass I jumped up as instructed, slammed into the bulkhead and knocked out a few teeth. But we landed, well kind of. Buddy opens the door, we jump out,  and siting on the tarmac bleeding we just went and sat down about 200 meters away. 

    Buddy sits down next to me, takes off his shirt so I can stop the bleeding and then hands me a Marlboro. About a minute later a Belgium (Nato controlled HKIA) wanna be Sgt. Shultz comes up screaming at us for smoking on his runway. We start laughing since there is a twin engine aircraft blocking all ops and this fucking French fry eater wants us to stop smoking. He cared nothing about the fact we both had pistols on our armor and AK's. 

    Anyways, TL:DNR. I was on the plane that shut down flight ops at HKIA for 24 hours. The next morning we got on the same type of airplane with the same pilot. We were all very hungover. 


    What year was this?

  7. I kind of like the idea of no divisions or pods.  You have 1 permanent opponent (TX-OU, Bama-Aub, etc.) and everything else is a random round-robin.  4 best teams in a playoff to crown an SEC champ.  With 9 conference games, I feel pretty confident we'll get the 4 best teams and this won't reward a team for being in a weak pod.  This would help us avoid the 2008 Big 12 scenario.

  8. How about people who are educated, non-MAGA wearing nutjobs, white, but have had severe adverse reactions to previous immunizations?  Does that fit into any of your stereotypes?  Because that's me. 

    I love the double standard of it not being socially acceptable to stereotype due to race, religion, sexual preference, etc., but we can all rally around the fact that everyone without the vaccine is either poor or ultra-conservative.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  9. I read that the UNDER has hit on the first 18 games of the pre-season so far, so what do I do?  I throw a little down on the UNDER of the first game of the day, Bears-Bills.  What happens, you ask?  The OVER hits in the first half.  Why do I even try?

    I had to dig out of the hole, so I bet the OVER on Packers-Jets because 32 seemed way too low.  That one hit.

  10. 51 minutes ago, phdhorn said:

    One of the main reasons Americans are trying to find alternate routes of escape besides the airport is that now ISIS is showing up there and is expected to carry out terrorist attacks soon:


    ISIS and the Taliban generally don't like each other.  I saw some pretty cool ISIS v. Taliban fire fights at night on NVGs.  If you were going into J-Bad, you could usually see their skirmishes to the south near the Pakistan border.

  11. Take this for what it's worth, but we had to call EMS for my wife's grandmother last week due to difficulty breathing and other symptoms that were COVID-like.  She stated to the paramedics something along the lines of "There's no way I have COVID, I've been vaxxed!" [/old lady voice]. Their response was "Ma'am, we've taken more vaccinated patients to the ER than unvaccinnated".  This is in my little slice of suburban DFW.  It turns out she tested negative either way.

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