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Restless Native

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Everything posted by Restless Native

  1. Didn't mean to derail. I actually hope you are right about karma biting Trump's fat orange ass. It's just, this last decade or so has turned me into an elite-level pessimist.
  2. I think he's calling her a watery tart.
  3. Actually, I think they might be.
  4. Oh thank god. I was really worried about those 12-15 rich kids.
  5. Hey Everybody. If Ted Cruz tells you to hold his beer, tell him no.
  6. Damn, I saw those guys live back when I was a teenager at the City Coliseum in a triple bill with Saxxon and Krokus. I just realized I'm old.
  7. Well, I, for one, promise to tell every actual Communist that I know. Thank you for your service, Senator Slapdick.
  8. Yeah, by the time he turned 6, she already knew he was a putz.
  9. Well, regardless if it's real or fake, I bet that Nazi bitch is something to deal with in the sack.
  10. It would behoove her to make the right choice.
  11. You know, I used to think Eric was Roman, but now I'm thinking he's Cousin Greg.
  12. I bet if you could zoom in, you could count at least five fever blisters in that photo.
  13. Nobody is upset because you don't use "softer implied words". We all get agitated because you use words like the bolded. You can see and hear things that the rest of us can't, huh? Well, maybe we should all get together on Sundays and sit in a circle around you, you condescending ass. The truth is, nobody has any idea what happens to us after we die. Most of us are okay with admitting that, but it seems like you aren't. I can tell you this: If there really is a vengeful and jealous god up there, he/she/it is going to be plenty pissed when he/she/it finds out you have been claiming to know what he/she/it has been up to all this time. I don't post much, and I rarely ever get into internet squabbles, but the bolded in your post hits a little close to home. I grew up surrounded by that arrogance, and I got the hell out of it as soon as I could.
  14. “The bottom line is, he [Hunter] got away scot-free. He was never punished in any way. Those who were punished, those punishments were brushed aside by a general named Jim Mattis, who later of course, became defense secretary under President Trump," Bowman said. Because, of course.
  15. I have the right to take stuff. 7 plus decades of a life distilled down to one sentence.
  16. Well, if they would've called that bullshit foul on you, would you look any different a week later?
  17. Oh please let this be true. Come on, God. I really don't ask for much.
  18. Okay, now I'm going to sue Warner Brothers for all the times I saw Bugs Bunny dress like a girl when I was a kid.
  19. Pretty sure both of them would lose to most women at tic tac fucking toe.
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