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Grade of D as in David

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Grade of D as in David

  1. On the flip side, god forbid, if something happens to @Prepuce of Doom surly would collectively raise Doomlet as one of our own.
  2. I'm intrigued by the upcoming Hoarders episode sponsored by LEGO.
  3. It could have been worse
  4. Not one of you fuckers mentioned glovers pants at all yesterday? It looked like he pissed himself wearing 1995 cotton dockers
  5. You should record him singing that and add a beat to it. I bet he would get a kick out of his songs.
  6. Serious question, are you an aggy? Your breathless defense of the law and lawyers in general sounds quite like aggy saying they never lie cheat or steal. You talk about how only lawyers take home stress from the job sounds like aggy saying turdition and from the outside you wouldn't understand... Now you want a thread for every trump indictment like Texags on their football board. What's next, how you gave a visiting attorney directions to the courthouse? If you're not an aggy, then maybe lawyers just suck like they do. I mean most jokes about professionals are lawyer jokes, and most jokes about college students are about aggy.
  7. Does Maverick get credit for this kill too? That would make 6.
  8. Fuck the ferry, drive them into the sea.
  9. Are the women wearing jodhpurs?
  10. 80s kid here too, could have sworn I came across one as well. Maybe it's a Bernstein Bears situation.
  11. Changed it in 1962. They also retired a bunch of colors in the 90s https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Crayola_crayons#:~:text=Same color as "Brown" (1903–1935).&text=Same color as "Flesh" (," (1962–present).
  12. I saw he also bet a bunch of 5 game NBA parlays. I'm assuming most of those were losses.
  13. P&G might want to hold off on that Pampers ad buy
  14. Any chance that uncle Clarence ever rolled down the driver's window of his fancy RV, honked the horn, and yelled "I'm rich bitch"
  15. You think that a man that has this at home is out looking for whores? Ok yeah, he definitely is.
  16. He doesn't want this power because it could potentially hurt him politically in the future. His political future would seem to be running for president at some point. If he is too afraid of the political backlash and is willing to let the country suffer as a result, in my opinion he isn't fit for the office. Although it doesn't really matter because the people controlling the body of the late senator Feinstein are unwilling to relinquish their roles and let her retire.
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