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Grade of D as in David

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Grade of D as in David

  1. 24 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    We just need Brett Baier and others get Trump on Fox News a few more times, because Fox News has done an outstanding job of showing us Trump's attitude towards them.

    Or just get Brett Baier to move to CNN, they'll gladly have Trump on again 

    • Rage+1 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, tx ind said:

    Also, wasn't Scalia on a hunting or golfing trip staying at some rich person's place when he died?



    U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia, 79, was found dead of apparent natural causes Saturday morning at the Cibolo Creek Ranch resort near Marfa, a Presidio County official confirmed.






    All of which raises the question: Who pays for a Supreme Court justice to make this kind of trip?


    Not Scalia, it turns out. Poindexter told The Washington Post that Scalia was not charged for his stay, something he described as a policy for all guests at the ranch.


    “I did not pay for the Justice’s trip to Cibolo Creek Ranch,” Poindexter wrote in a brief email Tuesday. “He was an invited guest, along with a friend, just like 35 others.”


    Poindexter added: “The Justice was treated no differently by me, as no one was charged for activities, room and board, beverages, etc. That is a 22-year policy.’’




    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    I read an article today explaining that, while members of the judicial branch are not allowed to accept most gifts, there is no Ethics panel with censure power, particularly at the Federal level.  This is not true for the executive and legislative branches.

    Hence, impeachment remains the only way to remove a SCOTUS justice.  Isn't that nice?

    That technically not the only way 

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    • Fuck Around and Find Out 2
  4. 33 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

    I don't really see how we come back from this.  They aren't going to be impeached.  Nothing is going to change.  The only solution I can see is to expand the court and that won't happen either.

    We need to Pelican Brief a few of them

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 3 hours ago, Bullneck said:

    Looks like she's doing this interview in a pj top.

    What kind of pajamas is she wearing? What color? Odds are they're you're standard blue cotton pajamas. You know pj's. but what if, what if they're silk? What if they're lingerie?




    • Haha 1
  6. 37 minutes ago, Bobby_Batronic said:

    You have to think that it would be well known if they imploded. I don’t know if the SOSUS nets are still maintained, but I’d bet there were more than a few vessels capable of detecting the sound  in the relative vicinity, and that they could correlate the time stamp and calculate if such a noise would match up with the bearing and distance to the wreck site. 

    I suspect they get to go the asphyxiation route. I’d also bet that everyone on that thing has their cell phone on them, and I d be morbidly curious to see if they left videos or notes once their plight became very certain or their batteries were almost done. Something else to consider…it’s got to be very, very cold in that tub and they may die of hypothermia before they suffocate. 

    Owen Wilson Environment GIF by AOK

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  7. 44 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

    Agree, but I'd rather go against dotard than DeSantis for that very reason.  It's fucking horrifying that our best chance is to have him be the nominee.  I don't want to see it again, but I feel it is the best option.  Because we are in a hellish simulation.  

    It's like the scene in The Deer Hunter where Walken and DeNiro are forced to play Russian Roulette, there is no good option there. Just hope we can luck out again, and Joe can repeat.

  8. 3 hours ago, NorthLoop said:

    I'll believe that when my shit turns purple and smells like rainbow sherbet. 



    The 70 percent chance of rain at 7pm is already down to 50 percent. It'll be 30 in an hour and zero at 7.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Rage+1 1
  9. 22 minutes ago, Gil Bang said:

    I've got a doozy. 

    I've been with the GF for 12 years or so.  We've been living together for 11 years or so, and, we are looked at by both families as if we were married. 

    The GF is the oldest sibling.  She has a younger sister (middle) and a younger brother (the youngest).  The sister was married to a successful lawyer who's also a bad alcoholic.  Her two kids had the absolute best of everything...the finest  private schools, etc.  The older one, the boy, was extremely gifted...the daughter extremely hot.  The boy is now a 25 year-old loser druggie.  He's stolen from his mother, grandmother, etc.    He's a POS.

    The daughter is doing "OK", but no better than that. 

    Now, for GF's brother:  "Ken" for purposes of this story. He graduated college, and got a job on Wall Street.   He was having severe issues, and was diagnosed with a brain tumor. He had brain surgery about 20 years ago (I'm guessing), and hasn't worked since.  He's fairly fucked up.  Has balance issues, etc.  He probably shouldn't have a driver's license, but he does. He lives off SSDI, and what money his mother gives him.

    For the past 15 years or so, he's lived with "Mary" (in her small condo that she owns).  GF's dad died about 10 years ago, and left mom a ton of dough, but unfortunately, for a variety of reasons, they were living in a rental home (owned by the alcoholic lawyer).  The house was a POS, so mom bought a home in a retirement community about 50 miles north.  Since mom bought the house, Ken goes up every Saturday (on the train) and goes back to the Mary's place on Tuesday. 

    Ken does not own a computer, and couldn't figure out to turn one on if his life depended on it.   He's got no email.  He has an iphone, but only uses it to talk and text.  No apps at  all.  Doesn't know how to use Uber.  Carries a paper train schedule.  A complete idiot when it comes to tech stuff.  And, he refuses to learn.  I've offered to help him set up email and teach him shit...he has no desire to learn anything.  We once had to send something over, and we had to email to Mary for her to print for him.  So she's aware of his tech limitations.

    So, about 10 days ago, mom falls. She's alone at the time.  She gets up and shakes it off, and picks Ken up at the train station, seemingly fine.  The next day, she cannot get out of bed. This goes on for a couple of days, and GF says "fuck it, we're going down there".  "There" is S. Florida, BTW.  So, we catch an expensive flight and go there.  GF takes the fuck over, is calling doctors, etc, and gets mom in a different hospital. New hospital finds all kinds of damage that original hospital didn't find.   GF arranges for mom to move to a rehab place for a week or 10 days, and then to receive in-home care. 

    It's noteworthy that Ken openly hates middle sister, so she stays the fuck away when he's around.  Otherwise, she could have handled this shit locally, and GF wouldn't have needed to go there. 

    Anyway, we are at the house one night, and Ken says he's going out for a bit...at 10 PM.  It becomes obvious that he's got a side piece locally.  On one day, we tell Ken to stay home and take it easy, and we spend the day at the hospital.  Mary calls frantic that she can't reach Ken.  She's been calling for hours and she's worried.   I smell what's up so I send him a text that says "hey motherfucker, shit's hitting the fan, you need to surface".  He calls me shortly after and says hey fell asleep with the phone in the other room, etc bullshit etc.  Whatever. Not my fucking problem.  I'm wanting to get mom settled and on the right track care-wise. 

    So, Mary calls GF back for a chat. She says "I know he's up to something/we haven't had sex in years, etc". 

    It turns out that Mary thinks Ken is still a stockbroker.  A stockbroker without a computer or email.  She thinks that he goes into a local office near Mom's place every Monday.  GF says "how the fuck do you think a stockbroker can work with no tech skills at all?"  Mary says that Ken told her that he has underlings that do all the computer shit...he just makes "deals" over the phone.  She also asks GF if he really owns a rental unit in Manhattan. GF almost chokes.  He's been telling Mary all along that he bought an apartment and he's owned it all this time and has a property manager.  GF asks Mary if she's ever seen a single piece of mail from a property manager in NYC.  Silence on the line. 

    So now, Mary's gonna give him the boot.  He'll be moving in with Mom full-time. 

    TL/DR: GF's brother is a psycho liar and his long-time girlfriend is an idiot. 

    I'd like to hear more about this middle sister's daughter.

    • Hook 'Em 3
    • Haha 3
  10. 13 minutes ago, Trey3216 said:

    Hurricanes tend to like the outflow winds from a high pressure system.  Kinda feeds the leading edge of a storm quite nicely.  Stronger the high, stronger the low.  

    scratching chappelles show GIF

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