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Grade of D as in David

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Grade of D as in David

  1. At least two probably enjoy golden showers
  2. Does Satan drive a Subaru and wear too much flannel?
  3. Apparently your best option is to buy the cheapest tickets on the Oklahoma side then cram into the lower bowl in the Texas side with your fat fiance. Nobody's going to care as long as you have fireball and rumplemintz hidden in your boots to share with all of the blue hairs.
  4. I've heard that can happen to the less endowed. Or is it fewer endowed?
  5. Is your last name Bisceglia? Because you sound like the total badass in the Facebook thread.
  6. Can you introduce us to the super rich conspiracy nuts? I have a moral problem with grifting the stupid poor, but no qualms at all about grifting the stupid rich.
  7. How are his hips wider than his shoulders?
  8. Isn't citizen journalism just posting people's assassination coordinates?
  9. Asked if he was concerned about Giuliani’s ability to pay his legal fees in this case, as his debts mount, Lou Diamond, one of the attorneys who appeared Wednesday alongside the former New York mayor, told reporters, “That is the furthest thing from my mind.” He's not getting paid
  10. I thought black and vertical stripes were supposed to be slimming.
  11. Anytime rain is predicted for Austin, I follow the advice of Coach Leach, expect sun.
  12. Sweet fucking hoodie as well. Stylin' & profilin'
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