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Grade of D as in David

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Grade of D as in David

  1. The big winner here is the CW. They get to go back to airing Penn and Teller reruns in the Liv timeslots.
  2. Might as well go ahead and announce tournaments in Moscow and St Petersburg while they're at it.
  3. Every one of those guys should demand a quarter bill or just retire. They're rich enough as it is. Or band together and start their own golf league.
  4. Guess she finally got around to listening to Lana Del Rey
  5. Jay's going to announce a tournament in Russia "to grow the game" as soon as Vlad's check clears.
  6. Honestly I am hoping he gets the Saudi journalist treatment. Fuck himplaying golf.
  7. Translation: "You see as Republicans we don't actually try and govern, we just pass bills for the theater of it to continue to tilt at the windmills of culture wars so our mouth breathing bigoted supporters continue to vote for us"
  8. No, fightin' Texum aggy will chop down every tree in sight and stack them up in a replica of the original wooden Polo Grounds.
  9. I'm high as shit and half paying attention because I'm watching college baseball, but I think it helps Ukraine. Russian defenses are down damn and also in low areas so they should be flooded. Will also make it easier for UA forces to cross the river. Also starves Russian controlled Crimea of water.
  10. I can't decide if I want to see aggy get blown out from the first inning or if I want them to lose on a walk off.
  11. Did they fuck up and put 350cc implants in her lips instead of her tits?
  12. They have had the bonfire fall down multiple times. Maybe I was referencing one of the times they didn't negligently kill their students.
  13. Pretty sure that's what's left of the menudo. I'd add a couple of points for that.
  14. You know if you were showered, she might have dropped a little something else off too.
  15. I get that they're over 18, but I went to a buddy's kids graduation party this weekend and I felt really creepy looking at the 18 year old girls there. I still did it, but felt bad doing so.
  16. Especially when the state is where America goes to die. Don't think they would want to remind the Villagers of their impending deaths.
  17. This is the exact thing he did with TSLA as well. Used Twitter to pump the stock so unsophisticated morons would buy it.
  18. I was just joking. I love Rory and hope he can get his shit together.
  19. If I close my eyes I can hear Joe Vega singing this at Bling Pig.
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