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Grade of D as in David

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Grade of D as in David

  1. Ron met three mugging victims this week?
  2. Her post sex sandwiches would be amazing, but you would have to deal with about 20 pillows on the bed.
  3. In another life I could see him playing a villain in a Die Hard movie.
  4. You can take the gypsy out of the caravan park, but you can't take the caravan park out of a gypsy
  5. The only way that is even a remote possibility is if they replace the bye week with a game against Cumberland.
  6. I mean he wears lifts in his shoes. He's probably stuffing as well.
  7. After the few previous posts I half expected this to be caused by pigeons
  8. The Clayton Bixby moment when the guy looked over at his wife when it was revealed she was 14% Mexican, was the best part.
  9. @Brisketexan is never going to qualify for that subsidy
  10. USA Today is mostly pictures and pie charts, so probably the most "read" newspaper by aggy
  11. If that dude steps on a Lego does it hurt or does he just get taller?
  12. If they end up in 12th place they may just take it.
  13. Will you marry me?
  14. No she's 33 turning 34 in December.
  15. Fast forward to tomorrow afternoon. Who's running point?
  16. Tin roof... rusted.
  17. Did the other freshmen dump paint on the upperclassman outside of the convenience store in front of everyone?
  18. That's the juice. In this case you want to take Seattle to cover 5.5 points, you need to wager 105 to win 100. Typically the amount of juice 9n spreads is 10 percent. The Steelers+130 for game is a money line and works similarly, no spread but you bet 100 to win 130 straight up. If it was Steelers minus 130 you would bet 100 and win 130.
  19. Need to respond with, who wants to give me a blow job?
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