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Pope Joan

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  1. I think you are being disingenuous. I graduated from The University more than thirty years ago. I have never in my life had the remotest idea the The Eyes is somehow racist. Trying to make it so by looking at some part of the environment at some point in time is worse than disingenuous, it's an outright and intentional lie. The question is: why are you doing it?
  2. Have any of you fine people, lurking or participating, come up with a replacement? It's not even needed, unless the song needs to be replaced. But the title assumes replacement is required, so y'all need to get into action and find that new song. Or an old one, of course, although there's a definite lack of respect for that. What's the New Song?
  3. No, it's not. It's the same as always, the vast majority of content is nothing but propaganda. I also am not happy with Twitter, but I am not happy with any other portion of the so-called "media". Baylor and Penn State likely would take issue with that statement. They were the Western Crew, and while the Eastern Crew (Blacks and Irish) probably would agree with that, the use of such a specific tune does not necessarily follow. Still, my sarchasmeter did not malfunction, as some others' did. I would extend the point to the length at which one might just as deservedly claim to be offended by and thus seek to ban every work, music, visual art, or otherwise, of racially incongruent persons. To me, The Eyes is a silly song, not a racist one. But silliness has never offended me. I don't believe attacking the song as being racist for any of the "reasons" that have been given holds any water at all. Stop it.
  4. It's important to remember that some things are True, even if they never happened.
  5. You spelled "husband" wrong.
  6. Biggest heartbreak? Hmmm. Probably the day my grandma told me TV wrestling was fake. It's okay, though, because I never really liked Duke Keomuka all that much.
  7. Settle for 10+, deal?
  8. I'm tired of these arguments over bad coaching. We've had 3+ years of done-gave-up Brown, 3 years of the worst-ever record of all our head coaches, Charlie Strong, and 4 years of (apparently fake) Mensa Tom Herman. Even talking about, much less arguing about, which was worse and why, is a complete waste of time. Ten years' suffering these ludicrous excuses for multi-million-dollar salaries is more than enough. No more bullshit about the shitty past, start talking about what we've got going on now and how we can make it even better. Go.
  9. Yes. Yes, it is. But only if you were there. No one who wasn't will ever really understand. We few, we band of brothers... well, and sisters, right Naughty Nikki?
  10. Avatar half correct cocked.
  11. Was he not? Or were those who said so substituting "funny" the way we used to say someone was "special" when we actually meant he was not just dumber than warmed-over dogshit, but dressed by retards?
  12. That's fair. Nothing about you makes anyone laugh.
  13. You're still as stupid as ever. I heard you used to be funny. Too bad.
  14. You ain't far off here. Thanks (I think).
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