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The Ace of Aces

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Everything posted by The Ace of Aces

  1. Charlie Kirk, that you?
  2. This isn’t bad at all but the audio is absolutely horrific. His mic is too low, the mix is flat.
  3. Had it Thursday. The best.
  4. I live pretty close to Philly. Time to go out and grease up my light post.
  5. Deep ball was Ewersesque
  6. The WR shoved the DBs facemask back into his head. That’s PI.
  7. Forced patriotism is gross.
  8. You need a better social circle then. He is destroying America quicker than Andrew Jackson.
  9. Storming the court against a team that won’t make the tournament would be a choice.
  10. I guess now we get a Sound of Music revival where the Nazis as the heroes. Elect a clown, expect a circus.
  11. Pretty ironic considering they’re in business to make other people’s jobs obsolete
  12. Govt funded propaganda is cool.
  13. Correct. And he himself is doing illegal activities. All our fat ha been taken by him and put in a private server. But HeR eMAiLs
  14. Court rulings don’t matter when no one in power can enforce them. Trump has entire life has defied courts and never truly been called out.
  15. I am lucky and have spent a fair bit of time with her - fuck you, you piece of shit. She would kick your ass while educating you on economic history. Choke on a dick.
  16. How else are we going to be able to build Trump National Nuuk.
  17. Alan Alejandro Montoya Perales, Josue de Jesus Juarez Juarez, Raul Meza Arredondo, Rodrigo Lopez Padilla, Valentina Guzman Murillo and Lizeth Murillo Ozuna are their names, you piece of shit. And yes planes can just nosedive to earth - ala Atlas Air Flight 3591 or the Learjet crash at TEB a few years back. But why am I even wasting my time with someone who thinks a) names are made up, b) the airplane pieces actually found are fake c) they faked ATC comms and d) someone bombed one of the most nondescript areas of Philadelphia. Critical thinking skills, indeed.
  18. Going on a limb that contractor Space X doesn’t have its money frozen but rather increased by 1000%.
  19. If you expect a tax refund, good luck. They’re laying off thousands of IRS employees and the treasury system is frozen.
  20. Oil, lumber for starters. Their next PM (who is the Canadian version of our dear leader no cr) tweeted this text: We must put CANADA FIRST. That is why Common Sense Conservatives condemn President Trump’s massive, unjust and unjustified tariffs on Canada’s already weak economy. Canada is the United States’ closest neighbour, greatest ally and best friend. We share the longest undefended border and fought alongside Americans in two world wars, Korea and Afghanistan, where 158 of our brave men and women died helping the U.S. avenge the 9/11 attacks. There is no justification whatsoever for this treatment. The Liberals must put aside their partisan interests and recall Parliament now to pass a Canada First Plan that will: 1. Retaliate with dollar-for-dollar tariffs carefully aimed at maximizing impact on American companies while minimizing impact on Canadian consumers. That means targeting U.S. products that we can make ourselves, buy elsewhere or do without. For example, we must retaliate against American steel and aluminium, as Canadians can make those vital products at home. 2. Put all the tariff revenues into help for affected workers and businesses; Government should not keep a dime of the new revenue. 3. Pass a massive emergency Bring It Home Tax Cut to bolster the economy, stop inflation and save and create jobs. Canada needs a massive tax cut on work, investment, energy, homebuilding and making stuff at home. The Liberal carbon tax and capital gains tax hikes must be the first on the chopping block. 4. Immediately scrap the Liberal anti-resource law C-69 and greenlight LNG plans, pipelines, mines, factories, and port expansions to overseas markets. 5. Bring in truly free trade within Canada by knocking down interprovincial barriers to help replace lost north-south trade with east-west trade and to make us self-reliant. 6. Rebuild our military and take back control of our borders to regain the confidence of our partners, assert our sovereignty, protect our people and put Canada First. We will protect our economy, defend our sovereignty, bring home production and paycheques and never back down. We will put Canada First—now and always.
  21. Market collapses because tariffs aren’t political, right? Asking for a friend named Dow
  22. Canada’s version of Trump, who will be their next leader, off the top rope. The surly x must not work for long tweets @immamac? Here is the full text: We must put CANADA FIRST. That is why Common Sense Conservatives condemn President Trump’s massive, unjust and unjustified tariffs on Canada’s already weak economy. Canada is the United States’ closest neighbour, greatest ally and best friend. We share the longest undefended border and fought alongside Americans in two world wars, Korea and Afghanistan, where 158 of our brave men and women died helping the U.S. avenge the 9/11 attacks. There is no justification whatsoever for this treatment. The Liberals must put aside their partisan interests and recall Parliament now to pass a Canada First Plan that will: 1. Retaliate with dollar-for-dollar tariffs carefully aimed at maximizing impact on American companies while minimizing impact on Canadian consumers. That means targeting U.S. products that we can make ourselves, buy elsewhere or do without. For example, we must retaliate against American steel and aluminium, as Canadians can make those vital products at home. 2. Put all the tariff revenues into help for affected workers and businesses; Government should not keep a dime of the new revenue. 3. Pass a massive emergency Bring It Home Tax Cut to bolster the economy, stop inflation and save and create jobs. Canada needs a massive tax cut on work, investment, energy, homebuilding and making stuff at home. The Liberal carbon tax and capital gains tax hikes must be the first on the chopping block. 4. Immediately scrap the Liberal anti-resource law C-69 and greenlight LNG plans, pipelines, mines, factories, and port expansions to overseas markets. 5. Bring in truly free trade within Canada by knocking down interprovincial barriers to help replace lost north-south trade with east-west trade and to make us self-reliant. 6. Rebuild our military and take back control of our borders to regain the confidence of our partners, assert our sovereignty, protect our people and put Canada First. We will protect our economy, defend our sovereignty, bring home production and paycheques and never back down. We will put Canada First—now and always.
  23. Putin sure did pick the perfect guy to inflate. Genius move years ago by him. And that is before his own spy is officially peacock our intelligence agency!
  24. Where is that idiot that lost money in the market between 2021 and 2024? He could be of use here.
  25. The only winners in trade wars are corporations (who don't go bankrupt during them). Consumers lose, every time.
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