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Pimphand last won the day on December 27 2023

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  1. Where do we start? Aging is caused by three preliminary factors... As our cells divide via mitosis our telomeres shorten every time. There are members of the animal kingdom where that is not the case (like lobster) and they are considered functionally immortal meaning they could live out their lives absent predators/cataclysm and they would live forever. We are also subject to senescent cells and DNA methylation hence the statement father time is undefeated. Mix in the extensive network of blood vessels in bones and voila old people with comorbidities die.
  2. Hell CP needs to come out of retirement if we beat the couch burners but I do hope he at a minimum would be in Atlanta to get a live encounter with the UT pimp once more.
  3. AngryElf.... I mean Ag is angry baw! I had totally forgotten about the late 90's early 00's hornfans poster Aggie Fact Finder but this brought back the memory lol
  4. One is free the other is now facing time
  5. an aggy spokesperson explained "he's very clever"
  6. I was told there would be no math! Ahh but what about aggy math? Somehow his buyout went up astronomically LMFAO
  7. The Amanda Atwell & Peyton Yager v Looch social media battles are funny. I can't recall the last time he hasn't gotten owned lol it's been a long long time...
  8. So apparently the Mayo bowl has an SEC tie in during odd years. Dear 8lb 6oz baby Jesus please let Lane get into the Mayo bowl and win the game in the next year or 3.
  9. Which is we why we need to name him ambassador emeritus an unpaid position but he is always welcome on the sidelines to any game he thinks is fun
  10. I think my favorite part of the whole episode is their lack of awareness that they played MIKE F'N ELKO'S QUARTERBACK closer than the team that beat the sips twice.
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