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Pimphand last won the day on December 27 2023

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  1. Uhh Jesus mate that's a conservation of matter thing. God damnit get me out of hell lol
  2. Dear lord how did so many slaves hit the earth? Watch the videos of the bomb going off first then ask why are there no plane parts found at a classic plane wreck site
  3. You are an idiot thank god your virtue signaling brought about the trade war that will wipe out small business
  4. No plane parts detected you hyper retards but carry on
  5. That is probably the funniest thing
  6. https://www.espn.com/espn/feature/story/_/id/34839671/how-helmet-decals-tell-story-michigan-ohio-state No for the love of god what is wrong with y'all?? Michigan installed that dumbass shit in 2021
  7. The funny thing is we hate trump....
  8. Literally watching you snowflakes melt down over your stupid bullshit ideas get melted down is quite possibly the best/funniest shit I have ever seen. Keep it up! BTW there is a Chinese adverb that you must eat bitter to learn the truth. CHINA KICKED TRUMPS ASS WITH DEEP SEEK ON DAY 1 In the meantime go fuck your feelings
  9. Literally running this site as you want is not fascism I do not agree with him but running a website as you see fit absolves you from this I hope he will ban me if his disagrees there will give you a moment of truth
  10. Silver was 12/1 issue with gold back in the Roman Empire.... If you take silver to the 1/12th ratio with gold you'd be at like $233 Mix in the 25% tariffs on the the greatest silver producer You do what you need to do with common fucking sense being delivered on the ground. But yeah immac is NOT a fascist even if he's an idiot for declaring Elon a Nazi ;-)
  11. Don't wory you will.....
  12. No I'm calling you weak ass bitches out for getting duped into lies because the only defense you have left is to pretend you want to ignore it like a coward
  13. If you had a picosecond of virtue you would realize that Ralph S. Baric who was Fauci's right hand man during the Gain of Function research published an article on pub med that said if you wanted to stop an RNA virus dead in it's tracks you needed zinc and a zinc ionophore and he published it in 2010. It's literally RIGHT FUCKING HERE: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21079686/ That you did not take zinc and something like Epigallocatechin Gallate is demonstrable proof you are a low thinking idiot. Have a good day!
  14. Shit I wish we could load all ya'll up into the 15 minute cities your lords and masters have planned so the rest of us could go about our lives....
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