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Everything posted by Pimphand

  1. Would really like to see Gundy take the Mormons seriously and set up the rematch
  2. This... Thread title needs to be Ewok vs Texans
  3. UNC hasn't won the ACC since 1980 that is so on brand for Mack Brown
  4. Mack had to have Brewster beg and plead to take Vince Young. He botched the Manziel, RG3, & Luck deals too so overall he is an idiot at the QB position. He definitely was a blind squirrel who found and acorn in McCoy. I do not miss his petulant BS and frequent colon perforations by the Sooners. I don't root against him but I do laugh when he chokes on applesauce. We are really astonishingly close to only being 30 years ahead of aggy on the ineptitude clock had Mack been left to his vices.
  5. We need to whip Tech's ass and OSU to whip Mormon ass then we need to whip Gundy ass so that we walk out the door having at least won the last game against the entire B12 on the way out the door. Except for UCF & Cincy whom we never played.
  6. It sucks ass but if you call it the BDF people will accuse you of being aggy #snowflakes FUCK THIS POS CONFERENCE
  7. Hate the dumba$$ Iowa State coach all you want their fans are fucking cool
  8. His recruitment was my favorite 2023 signing with Hall a close 2nd. Gave me visions of Benson & Johnson
  9. You can just feel the Sark suck all the 2nd half cock coming on
  10. I literally wanted to post this photo. I am glad I scrolled the thread.
  11. Pretty sure all of Longhorn nation is behind ya in the crosstown rivalry even though 3-66 happened my sophomore year. Go forth and whip condom ass my good man.
  12. Hopium springs eternal. My real ag friends are pissed lol
  13. You need to jump and swing up to hit me in the knees man but all is good.
  14. No Jimbo = realization Petrino sucks https://texags.com/forums/5/topics/3422079
  15. Bitch please maybe next time the world will bless you with the ability to not be a scrub.
  16. No motherfucker this thing is a dumpster fire.
  17. What 2023 taught me was my disdain for OU exceeds my disdain for the BDF. I guess that has and always will be through every picosecond of creation and destruction
  18. Ball don't lie aka there is a god
  19. I tried telling people it was still a shyte team but the sunshine pumps neg repped me continuously swearing this was a good OU team.
  20. JFC we should have shipped Sark to Provo to back this scrub up. Might have killed two birds with one stone
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