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Everything posted by Pimphand

  1. This conference is repetetive as fuck..... Two maroon & white schools with SCar being maroonish & black Two schools in Columbia Three fucking Tigers Two Bulldogs At least 8 poverty programs
  2. You called?
  3. That would be a good remix. The bear remix still brings the lulz.
  4. You called? Definitely don't see him as one of the top 100 but whateves Other Rockets No top 50 players
  5. Ha well if surge pricing is active the key is just taking a rideshare out of the peak zone then summoning a replacement ;-) Of course depending on intox levels that degree of difficulty may exceed carrying capacity at the time.
  6. This is the reason you need to learn to love the SEC @Wulaw Horn Without us being in this redneck shitbox we don't run train on the world the way we're about to run train.
  7. That's what rideshare is for.... Surge prices are crazy tho
  8. The highs get shorter and the lows get lower just look Mack Brown didn't return us to DKR+Akers levels and instead put us on a downward spiral that left us worse off than when he arrived.
  9. Well you probably remember the torture that was 1992 Houston Sports Talk Radio with all those redneck mouth breathers calling in postulating how Corey Pullig was finally going to get them over the hump only to get dunked on by Notre Dame in Dallas. That Notre Dame dotted that eye again in 93 was just the chef's kiss. Then came the much overdue probation in 94 and then 95 happened and they have only produced 3 decent seasons since (1998 B12 title, 2012 heisman, & 2020 CFP near miss)
  10. He's 100% deficient in personality and witticism when compared to Leach but his subtle troll game is unparalleled.
  11. LOL Lane came back 20 minutes after his press conference to deliver this monologue
  12. I really wish Greeney would just state the year instead of saying "Over 60 years ago" Apparently 1961 was the year https://www.sports-reference.com/cfb/schools/texas/1961-schedule.html
  13. Yeah for fucks sake everyone is picking Texas.... even paaaaaawwllll
  14. Their fans are smart...
  15. Pate's model has Texas by more than Vegas. #dooooooommmmed
  16. https://texags.com/forums/5/topics/3498194
  17. We all know the ags proclivity for magic tricks
  18. Yes I give 0 fucks about our bandwagon being full lol more power to them
  19. Stupid people gravitate to winners. You are all kidding yourselves if you don't think those mouth breathers were rocking Johnny Manziel shit 12 years ago. When Vince won the rose bowl against USC they went and interviewed the most meth addicted trailer hillbillies who claimed to be UT fans. The whole debate is stupid.. When you are a fan and cannot name a player you are bandwagon jumping trash period.
  20. I'm still really curious how they made it to FBS. That game in El Paso next month is likely to be the apex FBS toilet bowl
  21. So alexandertheok tried to link this thread: Only he embedded the URL as an image link
  22. https://www.stubhub.com/mississippi-state-bulldogs-football-mississippi-state-tickets-10-19-2024/event/152748833/ HO-LEE-FUK Texum Bulldogs don't seem very fired up... Maybe Moo State should have kept Stingray around as a hype man instead of running him off after he embarassed them on Tosh.0
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