If you want to see how far the rabbit hole goes start with Solar Cycle 10 when in 1859 we had the Carrington Event which was an X-45 class solar flare which at the time caused it to get so bright in Colorado the miners woke up thinking it was time to start working. Aurora events were seen as far south as the Caribbean, and telegraph operators burned their hands and even said unplugged telegraphs started taking readings. If we get anything close to that in modern times it's game over for the internet and the power grid globally.....
Solar cycles run in 11 year cycles and every 8 solar cycles is a Gleissberg cycle. Well if you take 1859 and add 88 to it you wind up in 1947 which just so happened to produce the 3 largest sun spots ever recorded including one group that was 3x the size of Jupiter (whose Great Red Spot (hurricane) which is 3x the size of earth for scale). Well if you go 88 years out from 1947 it takes you to 2035 which will be near the peak of Solar Cycle 26. I'm not saying the modern way of life will go away then just that the odds are stacked against us making it too much further down the road than ~2046 in that regard.
But run along obedience worshippers you tried to saddle us with lockdowns, quaccines, told us we were the most deplorable pieces of shit for not playing your stupid games and despite the 100 million dollar advertising agenda to get you sheep to get scared and obey taking the poison. Instead we sat there with our middle fingers up and took all the criticism and look at your stupid narradigm now we tore that shit apart despite being the vast minority. Have fun ever thinking anyone of any level of critical thought will ever take you seriously ever again.