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Everything posted by Pimphand

  1. Technically didn't she just drive her psycho boyfriend to Mexico to evade arrest? But yeah when you date a psycho murderer/dismemberer and then think it's a good idea to help him flee the country to evade arrest you know you are far to high above the hot/crazy line.
  2. Yeah her 48 hours episode was called In Too Deep I believe.. There was another 48 hours episode called The Shape of a Killer where that dude from Galveston murdered 3 people in Austin and was busted by someone randomly testing out his thermal camera
  3. What is it about women going to prison and getting fat as fuck? Like if I got incarcerated I would eat as little of that slop as necessary to survive and trade the rest for protection I present to you the murderer & infant kidnapper Magen Fieramusca Mugshot: After 3 Years in TDCJ
  4. How in the absolute fuck are we below zeroU in this graphic? LOL
  5. I really do hope that Keith Morrison is still alive when APD awakens from their moribund coma and so he can narrate the Dateline episode about the Rainey Street Ripper/Colorado River Killer Speaking of how many times has Austin been on Dateline? I can remember 4.... Shaughnessy son paying to have his parents killed The Realtor Strangler Mo Wilson bicycle love triangle Mom murdered to steal infant
  6. Yeah I had two guesses in mind for the 5th slot and was actually surprised when they all went green on that attempt.
  7. Holy hell LMFAO Wordle 965 5/6 🟩🟩⬛⬛⬛ 🟩🟩⬛⬛⬛ 🟩🟩⬛⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  8. https://inmate.tdcj.texas.gov/InmateSearch/viewDetail.action?sid=02406297 A couple of things stand out.... 1) How is this kid diddling PoS still alive? What happened to prison justice? 2) How on earth is he eligible for parole in 22 years?
  9. As best I could tell he probably resurfaced because his friends social media posts asking for help and giving numbers to call were taken down. Given we haven't heard about another body showing up my guess he turned up alive after his 2 day bender.
  10. APD performing digital forensics i guess if you are going to be a serial killer in the USA in the 21st century Austin is the spot to do it. Other towns are solving homicides from 30+ years ago and we keep putting the square peg in the round hoke.
  11. It seems like 50% of the homicides solved in the UK are done by CCTV City of Austin and APD "Nah we are good this is all just unrelated drunks drowning"
  12. I think when it gets down to the 2-3 possible solutions I am great at guessing wrong Wordle 964 4/6 ⬛⬛🟩⬛🟩 ⬛⬛🟩🟨🟩 🟩🟩🟩⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  13. Who in their right mind wants to scuba dive in that nasty muck?
  14. Why must this forum be so fucking replete with clown car fuckfaces? Eat shit.... from the real world
  15. PD (not just Austin) has since their formation always opted for the thing that causes less panic in the people in their minds. Part of it is absolutely laziness See: an adult must be missing for more than 24 hours before we treat them as a missing person when we know statistically if you dont find them in the first 48 hours odds are they become a statistic Part of it is they do want to control the narrative but this is just a fractal of time past when people had to read the newspaper, watch the news, or listen to the radio all of which meant they couldnt contribute their opinions the way we can today. When the dipshidiot dumbfucks wanted to defund the police that was the worst idea ever. We need to increase funding but just change the incentives and frame the bonuses around solving crimes and crime reduction. Unfortunately our government is hell bent on misery and so the quagmire of abject stupidity marches on.
  16. Damn yeah that's a bad beat your 2nd word was my lead word
  17. Big Leonard broke my friend Cristina's couch by simply sitting in it back in college /csb
  18. Holy shit mate! That's impressive you should spoiler your first two words
  19. that wasn't my starting word..... I was just pointing out my starting word identified 4 letters which in and of itself was clutch but I still dropped the 2/6 and sorry I guess I didn't think about the fact that clutch is a 5 letter word and thus could be used.
  20. Has yahoo APD announced the identity of Monday's corpse yet?
  21. Starting word was clutch today and I still fucked it up Wordle 963 3/6 ⬛🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟨🟨🟩🟩⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
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