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Everything posted by Topper13

  1. Caught everyone off guard in the game thread. A WTF moment, if there ever was one.
  2. Who's the idiot who wrote that? He doesn't know who won the game but knows every detail and how it played out? Agreed, it wasn't good.
  3. The game's up on youtube, for those of us without VCR/DVRs
  4. Big welcome back to Texas, tonight
  5. It's going off https://radio.securenetsystems.net/cirruscontent/ZONE1150
  6. Texas Bowl, strong star for the Elk
  7. aggy tears on the cal in show are glorious
  8. Give all of us the handjob.No homo.
  9. Broughton's the VIP of this game, win or lose.
  10. Run Wisner, kill clock, win this shit
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