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Everything posted by Topper13

  1. We'll win out without the switch. The playoffs, we'll see.
  2. One job, LSU. Cunts.
  3. They are. That's an Elko team.
  4. Costs double in Pattaya
  5. Why mention Quinn there?
  6. You say that like it's a bad thing
  7. LSU shitting down their leg
  8. Wiggys recievers aren't doing him any favors
  9. Holly's in black leather, waiting for Vic to smack that ass
  10. Chaos in the B1G is perfect
  11. Elko's on the Coors and Krispy Kreme diet
  12. Both at the same time, no fucks given.
  13. One job, motherfucker
  14. How could you forget this banger?
  15. An 8-3 aggy playing for a Cheez It bowl birth scares you to death
  16. The Steely Dan sounds good
  17. Aggy about to get worked.
  18. I would not kill the death metal ants
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