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El Compadre

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by El Compadre

  1. Have you seen the price on barbacoa lately? $10 gets you a seat at the kids table with the little corn tortillas.
  2. One thing I'm not looking forward to is all the stupid Card puns from the announcers. Fucking Brando coming back from halftime, "Hudson He's got all the Cards" with a shiteating grin like he's so fucking clever. There was another one like playing with a full deck or some shit like that. You can tell the announcers are gonna be tripping over each other trying to come up with more Card analogies. Other than that, fuck yes! Felt great to get a win and start the season off right.
  3. He's checking his sources. He thinks we may lead for Jaray Bledsoe. May have something definitive soon followed by a confidence 5 Crystal Ball pick. The streets be talking and Mike Roach be listening.
  4. 2 years at Stephen F Austin and he's trying to show off that he was able to learn cursive.
  5. It sounds like if aggy is trying to call their daddy to take care of mean ol Texas for them. What a bunch of whiny little bitches.
  6. Fester Malfoy is going to get introduced to that "sec" football they're so in love with and he's going to get fucking Gumby'd. He's gonna be screaming for that green jersey his first game.
  7. Got damn that is a beautiful picture. Gotta love Texas.
  8. I feel this doesn't get said enough, but, Fuck Billy Liucci.
  9. So like basically, fuck the compliance department?!
  10. Four Lions. I believe it's free on YouTube right now. Edit: Also like aggy it's 4 dummies on a farcical charade
  11. That's a badass, hilarious movie right there.
  12. Actually had this conversation with a friend this weekend regarding last names. There was a dude playing college basketball with the last name of Cockburn. I thought that someone in that family has to be brave enough to legally change that last name, family history/pride be damned. You've got to give the kids a chance to grow up without the constant mockery. NBA player Rudy Gay was mentioned (nttawwt) as was our assistant Glascock. Do it for the kids
  13. Holy shit. Then if Brenen Thompson's time that I read on here are accurate (10.18 100m), her just be really fucking fast because Stewart blazed on that 2nd leg.
  14. Fuck, I've been saying it wrong this whole damn time also.
  15. If Roach has him CB'd to Stanford that means he's already in grad school there with a tree tramp stamp tattoo.
  16. CB stands for Claimed Belatedly as per Mike Roach
  17. So i just picked up a couple red snappers, some jumbo shrimp, a couple prawns and some oysters. I would like to make everything on the grill but am open to any other methods. Do y'all have any recipes you'd recommend or share? I know with a couple of pounds of the shrimp I'm doing the sea island charbroiled shrimp. Any other suggestions would be appreciated
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