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Certifiably Surly
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  1. Also what’s with the delusion that the third-party candidate would have been “perfect.”
  2. Fuck him, it's hard to not hope for nothing but misery profesionally for him.
  3. Already mentioned but I hope the passing into the middle of the field and the RPO execution is waaaay better going into this game. It’s been kind of pointless so far.
  4. Had no idea we had a team full of Sunday school, bible study gents.
  5. Man, Bank’s ST unit would have been utterly confused as to what to do there.
  6. Easy PI call unfortunately
  7. For not being a good kicker, he’s been clutch today.
  8. Love allllll the drop balls from Georgia receivers.
  9. Way to have to burn a TO there
  10. This first half performance from ND is banner worthy for aggies
  11. Man… wishTexas have that type of fortune with TOs in our last game against Georgia.
  12. Ha, hardly. Eh, recency bias and all that… just reacting off the cuff to what I’m seeing and wishing Texas could do better at.
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