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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by YChang

  1. My small-business owner grad school classmate from the valley. “Oh oh, I actually live like a Democrat. But hey the GOP saves me money so I don’t care about anything else.”
  2. Hope it's good, loved the animated series... The casting certainly look on point. Still curious why the original creators left part way through the live action development.
  3. Thought part 1 was beautifully shot but boring af. But really looking forward to part 2 now.
  4. Not just any online courses… C A L I F O R N I A courses!
  5. Well this is damn dissapointing... I actually really like that cafe, but I've never been to that location.
  6. But she's soooooo dang cute.
  7. Ok God, you've got the winning the game part down... now how about doing something about the shooting
  8. Sigh... and nothing but admiration for those KC fans brave enough and cognizant enough to tackle the shooter.
  9. Cause he lost the dumb hair extensions Now he'll be more aerodynamic!
  10. yeah, I think this year I should work with some AAPI groups to get the vote out.
  11. Gotcha and you're so spot on with the Asian restaurants. I went to another one in Manhattan that was a Viet place. I can think of any hole in the wall places in Houston that would blow it out of the water.
  12. Now work in a Taylor Swift is comely somehow...
  13. Oy, not trying to be too argumentative... but this is a 1 star place I went to last year was really good but obviously subjective to me, not head and shoulders above dai due or Odd duck https://guide.michelin.com/us/en/new-york-state/new-york/restaurant/joomak-banjum That's all.
  14. Yes and not every Michelin star place is a French Laundry level either.
  15. Maybe he'll live his best life and make up for the evil shit he supported as a politician after he's ousted.
  16. Oh. It was amazing. I wish I watched the whole game on Nick.
  17. I don’t think most will disagree with your desire to move things forward. It’s challenging to do so when we fail to acknowledge and study our history though. Rather than say sweep it under the rug (not saying that’s what you’’re advocating for) and just proclaim let’s move forward! Especially when some of the inherent disadvantage for Black Americans and other minorities are still baked into some of our institutions.
  18. Gotta get to that pineapple line for the first down!
  19. Oh my god, I should have listened to the Nickelodeon broadcast this whole time.
  20. I can only imagine the cognitive conflicts going through one of my classmates mind. Very wealthy Latino entrepreneur from Edinburgh that told me he supports Abbott’s bussing programs but at the same time he also volunteers at local nonprofits that helping these migrants. Guy is proud of the valley going purple. I get the Democrats were corrupt in that area but supporting Maga types confuses me.
  21. It's quite probable that everything has unintended consequences. But if you subscribe to some form of making our instituions or society more antifragile... you kinda gotta do it and let it heal and get stronger. Not disagreeing with some of your points either.
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