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Everything posted by MotownHorn

  1. He was the 3rd leading scorer in the entire conference, my dude. 5th in FG% and 2nd in 3-point %
  2. That was Haith's MO as a head coach, right?
  3. Hunter definitely needs a change of scenery, but I’m not convinced we’re better off without Mitchell Gotta keep it moving forward though
  4. Future is starting to look bright!
  5. In RT We Trust
  6. RT just tweeted too
  7. He did. I think he has the potential to be a star next year if healthy but that's just me
  8. They probably don't want a drunk as their coach after their experience with Billy Clyde
  9. Fair. I just don't see how you get in an accident like that and flip a car if you're not racing and going way too fast.
  10. My dads an attorney and he says the same thing
  11. I assume he told them they're welcome on the team but don't expect minute guarantees. I have no idea how much control he has over the NIL folks, and how much they have over him, when it comes to assembling the roster
  12. Dumbasses were racing their fancy cars and crashed is my hypothesis Luckily no one was killed and there don't appear to be any major injuries
  13. Yep. I started my PhD in fall 2005. Attended every football game, and most basketball games, through spring 2012. Up until Colts injury in the natty I thought we just won all the time forever and ever. Then the next decade happened.
  14. If anything Derka was bullying me. Not the other way around I’ll leave it at that and fuck off now
  15. I don’t like being called a bully I didn’t post any of this stuff while Derka was still here in order to avoid antagonizing him
  16. I wasn’t trying to “win.” That’s the main difference between the two of us here
  17. If you read someone of Derka's posts in this thread he literally says "Motown Horn would say nice things to me, but he didn't mean them!" How the fuck would he know if I meant it or not? He doesn't know me. I definitely meant it. I wish the guy no ill will and I'm sincerely worried about him now. Again he got it in his head that I was his big enemy despite the fact that I tried to ignore him, be nice to him, and deescalate things with him.
  18. You can also look at posts 2073 and 2076 in the fire RT thread I add a disclaimer to post 2073 so Derka didn't feel like I was attacking him personally. Post 2076 is a long rant calling my opinion "stupid" and a "joke." I did not reply to Derka's rude response to my post because I did not want to upset him. I did that dozens of times in the last few months. He'd attack me directly, I'd ignore it. I swear to God I was trying to deescalate any conflict with the guy. I tried to post supportive messages to him etc. I can't control that Derka got it in his head that I was his big enemy and he was really gonna get me good by working with blacklabs to get me permabanned. I wish I understood earlier that I could put him on ignore and still see the threads he started. That may have avoided the whole thing. It's all very silly and stupid. Again, I apologize to Derka, the mods, and the boards for my role in this matter.
  19. Here are the posts that Derka reported to get me suspended and try to get me banned. I'll let you all decide if they are bullying him. 1) 2) I will admit this one is not ideal, but I don't think it's really bullying 3) 4) this is the post that was apparently so bad I deserved to be IP banned
  20. I agree with everything posted above except for calling me a "bully." I went out of my way to NOT bully the guy. Also blacklabs never told me all that stuff Derka says he told me. He would just suspend me out of nowhere with a nasty message I couldn't even respond to. No one ever said anything to me about an IP ban or anything else. Every time blacklabs would say something to me like "Derka doesn't like you using the phrase tourney dynamo to mock Chris Beard" I would say "ok I will not use that phrase if that bothers him. Even though that's ridiculous." I did my best to NOT torment or bully him. In the last 6 to 12 months there's been tons of posters who have been a lot ruder to Derka than I was. For whatever reason he got it in his head that I was his big enemy and focused on me. This apparent deal he had with blacklabs to try to get me banned did not serve him well IMO. It just made him fixate on me and make up this big battle in his head where he was going to emerge as King of the Message Board. I think blacklabs had Derka's best interest at heart, and was trying to help, but turning it into a game to get me banned was not helpful. It fed into his problem instead of helping solve it. I truly feel bad he's banned and I hope he is well. I'm not his enemy or bully. I'm just a guy who had a different opinion than him.
  21. The usual advice is to say something like “I’m not going to discuss my day.” You can also just say “no.” You’re not under oath.
  22. First mistake was being on I-35 regardless of time of day. Second mistake was talking to cops and admitting he had drinks before driving
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