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Everything posted by MotownHorn

  1. Alright alright alright this team is shaping up 🤘🏼
  2. Interesting. I assume RT and staff will be evaluating him to see if he may be able to contribute in Austin
  3. The fact that you use "us UT Hoops fans" for yourself and anyone who agrees with you says it all. Implying that myself and others are not "real UT Hoops fans." I'm on this board all the time. I've watch every game since 2005 when I started attending UT. Don't act you're a "real fan" and anyone who dares disagree with you is not. Go fly a kite. Literally and Figuratively. The bottom line is no one has any idea how the offseason will play out in the end. And you've basically been talking shit about our team since Beard's dumbass choked his girlfriend. Just hoping that you'll be right at some point. You were wrong all last season. I'll wait until next season to see if your self-important negative nonsense accurately predicts the season. But I know that basically none of the tens of thousands of words you've posted since early December 2022 have come true on the basketball court where it matters so far. So maybe just shut the fuck up and quit it with the "real UT Hoops fans" bullshit?
  4. Fresno State was like 10-20 when he arrived and 20-10 when he left after earning one of 3 tournament bids in the school's history. You're trying real hard to twist facts if going from 10-20 to 20-10 and a tournament bid is "not making them much better."
  5. It's pretty fucking amazing that 7 months before the season even starts we have these guys in here getting their panties in a bunch and spending their days arguing over hypotheticals.
  6. Man you have severe mental issues if you think I give a flying fuck. I didn’t wake up today and think anything i happened to see a post at the top of the last page of this thread and I responded to it. Get over yourself. I’ve bent over backwards to be nice to you despite your constant attempts To make me yet another one of your imaginary enemies you MUST defeat on the internets I don’t complain about you in any way FTR. Saying you should go outside and take a walk isn’t complaining about you. It’s advice from a sane person to an insane person.
  7. Sorry man I don’t live on this board and honestly I’m not gonna read the paragraphs upon paragraphs you posted over multiple posts. I don’t have time for that and nothing I could possibly say will satisfy you. You’ll just bicker over any response I make I did directly quote you and respond to what you said though. So don’t act like I’m putting words in your mouth
  8. Mr. "I've never heard a Black person speak before and find it confusing" coming in with another hot take!
  9. Who said this? Literally no one, right? I'm on this board almost as much as you are and I don't recall one person saying such a thing. You're using a strawman argument What I saw RT fans saying was that Beard was great, but he fucked up and is gone so it's time to move on. And RT did a great job replacing him and deserved a shot as the head coach. I don't recall one person claiming that RT > Beard.
  10. the Warriors were favorites last night too, though
  11. My expectation is making the tournament at a bare minimum We start missing the tournament and I'll jump off the RT bandwagon real quick
  12. Here we go again. Didn't y'all just do this like last Thursday or something?
  13. dudes lucky he didnt get his teeth knocked out in front of his kid
  14. Dude this place was really chill with no arguments before YOU came around
  15. LOL man go outside again
  16. LOL Can we throw in Rick Barnes for good measure? And maybe some cameo appearances from Charlie Strong just because?
  17. Are you all planning to bicker about Chris Beard vs Rodney Terry everyday until the season starts back up in November?
  18. The bottom line is this… Our team might be great next year and it might be awful No one fucking knows which one it will be right now no matter how strongly they state their opinion I’ll make a judgment in June once the dust settles
  19. Awesome dude! Looks like a beautiful day.
  20. Go outside Take a walk internet battles are not that important
  21. Haven’t you heard?!? “Woke” just means anything a conservative person doesn’t like
  22. The post that said "hey the transfer season isn't over yet. chill and see what happens" wasn't reasonable? I also never expected anyone to know that Motown = Morgantown. I said it plainly and matter of factly when asked about the name. It's sort of odd you've spent years melting down over a screenname I put 3 seconds worth of thought into. Go outside, breathe some fresh air, take a little walk, and burn some calories. I've been bending over backwards to be nice to you for months now. You don't have to spend the bulk of your limited time on this Earth fighting imaginary enemies on the Internet. Relax.
  24. THE SKY IS FALLING!!!! THE SKY IS FALLING!!!! THE SKY IS FALLING!!!! Seriously though I didn't love waking up to the Johnson news
  25. Agreed. Mitchell is a bigger (but more expected) loss than Morris imo We’ll see what RT can do in the portal here. Not gonna be pretty if he whiffs
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