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Everything posted by MotownHorn

  1. They’re definitely letting them play
  2. Our guys are playing timid
  3. Makes sense. I bet he’ll get some interest either way as long as we don’t shit the bed for the rest of the season (which I don’t expect us to).
  4. I understand everyones issues with Terry, but personally I’m rooting for him to be the coach next year because that means we made a Final Four this year I’m not gonna hope we lose. Sorry. I just can’t do it. This is one of our more promising teams in a long time.
  5. Even the spankings didn't help in my experience
  6. TCU needs a score here and they’ll be ok
  7. Nice! Enjoy some $20 beers for me!
  8. A wins a win. I’ll take the W on the road
  9. Gotcha. So it's not official but it's how the world works? Makes sense to me.
  10. Can they do that? Like officially and legally? Serious question. I have no idea. I assume there's someone feeding info to the UT lawyers but I didn't think they would necessarily have official access to that info.
  11. That’s the thing. I said this like 3,000 posts ago but if I were him I would have rented the nicest hotel suite in Austin for the season and told her to not contact me again and be out by the end of the April It’s not like they had kids together
  12. Well put. Plus you have to be born yesterday to think that APD arrested one of the most famous people in Austin, a rich white man nonetheless, for a 3rd degree felony without pretty clear evidence that something went down. Also notice that Randi's statement never said "Chris didn't hit me." It just said she did not refute that he was physical with her in self-defense. Which suggests everyone agrees he was physical with her. Being physical with a woman to the point you're charged with a felony is simply unacceptable conduct for someone making $5 million a year to represent the University of Texas at Austin. I liked Beard a lot as a coach, but it's bigger than basketball. No matter what happened, it's a shame for everyone involved. And now it's done. Time to move forward. God I hope not. For everyone involved.
  13. Sucks for our basketball program (which I love and have followed closely since i stepped foot on campus in 2005), but it's the 100% right thing to do. I know many of you dislike Terry but personally I'll be hoping for him to do well from here on out. I don't want him to be the long-term coach, but I'll take 11-7 in conference and Sweet 16 run or something like that, which this team is more than capable of. Also hoping that we get the next hire right.
  14. I would like to sincerely echo this sentiment. Take care of yourself. Best wishes to you.
  15. I’m sure I’ll be slaughtered for this, but the number of you willing to excuse Beard’s enormous mistake for the sake of winning basketball games is amazing The guy is almost 50 years old making $5 million a year. It’s simply inexcusable to be in a physical altercation with a woman to the point that the police are called and you’re charged with a 3rd degree felony for domestic violence. This isn’t hard. I have no idea what actually happened but I don’t buy that he was a perfect angel who got set up by his crazy fiancé and some dumb cops. That’s as believable as the daughter’s boyfriend hypothesis. Everyone’s been saying all week that some things are bigger than football after Damar Hamlins injury. Some things are bigger than basketball too.
  16. Yeah I don’t know if the DA released a statement or that reporter contacted them and they answered him or what. At almost exactly the same time KXAN tweeted out a story about his contract and how he could be terminated for cause 🤷🏼‍♂️
  17. You should put all this energy into writing a novel or something. At least start a blog.
  18. I asked a simple question in a polite manner and you've now written multiple angry paragraphs in response. I won't respond to you after this post, but please get a grip dude. I wasn't trying to troll/trigger you, but man if I was trying to troll/trigger you I would have gotten exactly what I wanted. I hope you have a great 2023. For real. Just relax. It's fine. You don't have to constantly wage Internet war with everyone.
  19. Dude you need mental help It was a very simple question asked without animus or negativity. Relax
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