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Everything posted by MotownHorn

  1. I would like to sincerely echo this sentiment. Take care of yourself. Best wishes to you.
  2. I’m sure I’ll be slaughtered for this, but the number of you willing to excuse Beard’s enormous mistake for the sake of winning basketball games is amazing The guy is almost 50 years old making $5 million a year. It’s simply inexcusable to be in a physical altercation with a woman to the point that the police are called and you’re charged with a 3rd degree felony for domestic violence. This isn’t hard. I have no idea what actually happened but I don’t buy that he was a perfect angel who got set up by his crazy fiancé and some dumb cops. That’s as believable as the daughter’s boyfriend hypothesis. Everyone’s been saying all week that some things are bigger than football after Damar Hamlins injury. Some things are bigger than basketball too.
  3. Yeah I don’t know if the DA released a statement or that reporter contacted them and they answered him or what. At almost exactly the same time KXAN tweeted out a story about his contract and how he could be terminated for cause 🤷🏼‍♂️
  4. You should put all this energy into writing a novel or something. At least start a blog.
  5. I asked a simple question in a polite manner and you've now written multiple angry paragraphs in response. I won't respond to you after this post, but please get a grip dude. I wasn't trying to troll/trigger you, but man if I was trying to troll/trigger you I would have gotten exactly what I wanted. I hope you have a great 2023. For real. Just relax. It's fine. You don't have to constantly wage Internet war with everyone.
  6. Dude you need mental help It was a very simple question asked without animus or negativity. Relax
  7. So what is Derka saying is supposed to happen today exactly? And for what reason?
  8. That's what gets me about this situation and so many others in our current society No one actually knows what the fuck happened, yet everyone wants to strongly state the opinion that fits their preexisting worldview as a statement of fact This man is a strategic genius!
  9. Yep. If they wanted him gone a $3 to $5 million buyout is not a big deal for UT and Beard is in no position to reject it. It'd be done already. Clearly they're hoping to keep him. I honestly don't know how I feel about that.
  10. As I said after the initial post I missed the part where a student athlete was involved i fully understand the issues there. My bad for overlooking that detail
  11. It's also pretty funny to me that you're advocating for Chris Beard to be reinstated immediately and trying to be on a moral high horse in this case Getting into a physical altercation with a woman = no big deal Consensual sex between adults = pearl clutching GTFOut of here
  12. Dude you can go fuck yourself if you're trying to imply I would ever have any sort of sexual relationship with a student. As I said I hadn't considered the student aspect. That's definitely sketchy.
  13. Good point. I didn't think about the player aspect of it. That's the only sketchy part to me. Otherwise no I am not in HR and I think most people agree that HR is mostly useless, usually counterproductive, and a waste of money.
  14. I truly don’t understand what is scandalous about consenting adults engaging in sexual relations with one another Our society is weird
  15. If Disu and Bishop can both get going on the same day we’ll be ok The problem so far imo is it tends to be one has a good day and the other does not
  16. Both Carr and Disu are playing this year how I expected them to play last year Not yet today for carr but I bet he’ll get going. Disu looking tough today
  17. I wasn't complaining about the cost. I agree with everyone that it's worth it. I have a subscription. Just saying that the game being on ESPN+ is different than being on ESPN3 or whatever because ESPN+ is a paid service not included in regular cable/streaming plans
  18. You forgot Andrew Tate and maybe Chris beard
  19. Beards daughters boyfriend is suing the police for slander, I believe
  20. If dude bleed orange and dropped some balls I’d be okay with it and root for him But dude is all “I’m the best. I need the ball all the time. Or else I’ll transfer!” and he sucks He's a cancer
  21. Which is Fucking fine if X was all about Texas I’d want him back But he seems to not give AF about Texas and do more harm than good at this point
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