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Everything posted by texastroubadour

  1. and blowu
  2. did you knee him in the nuts?
  3. gaspy fuck
  4. it would be a huge disappointment to me
  5. creighton guard Ashworth is what 38 years old?
  6. get your tiny boy 3-piece suit to the cleaners buzzie
  7. user name checks out
  8. fuck you chris beard
  9. icy hand slap between wade and brownell
  10. Who is Irving Meyers? Rich Jew from Ohio?
  11. McNeese has more fans at their game than we did last night
  12. fuck you man. horrible hire if it happens
  13. If CDC hires Sean Miller he isn’t the AD we thought we had
  14. typical terry loss. go illinois
  15. UNC advances in a rout. We get a team 45 minutes away from gym.
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