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Posts posted by texastroubadour

  1. 3 minutes ago, utee94 said:

    No, I'm not.  IF that were going to happen, don't you think it would have already occurred, like, a week ago when I posted that?

    Don't drag me into your hissy fit slapfight with our resident pokes fans, I've gotten along fine with them for years on this board and its predecessors.


    ok, my mistake

    • Hook 'Em 1

  2. As big an asshole as you seem to be, I’m going to guess we’re probably more welcome here than you are. What do you add to this board? We actually add a view point that’s different than the average poster (as does Doc, Slorch, etc). Dickwads like you will say “we don’t want your fucking viewpoint Methhead” or something else unoriginal like that. Then why do so many posters engage with us in actual conversation? Does anyone actually engage you in conversation here? Doubt it. You seem like an asshole devoid of any originality or humor.

    You know what’s funny? We’ve all heard that question you just asked 100 times on this board. The funny part is, the posters who’ve asked the question are always an unpopular loser asshole who nobody really likes anyway. So whoever the fuck your are, from all of us “visiting” fans, go fuck your self. This is an open board, we like it here, and we aren’t going anywhere.

    Dude…get a life. Hook Em Horns. Can you say that with any love whatsoever. Didn’t think so. Fuck off asshole

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. Good one.  Tell a Stoolwater joke next…or maybe okie lite.  But first get rid of that fagatronics tapa signature.  
    Why you so ornery in this thread anyways?  Even picking on Chi.  He draws a lot of water…I mean pussy…in this town.  
    I’ve been around over a decade and still act like appropriately as a guest.  This is supposedly your board and you’ve been rowing your douche canoe with fervent hatred for no good reason.  

    Go fuck yourself. And try to find an okie lite puke site

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    • Fuck You 3
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
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