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Certifiably Surly
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  1. I live in Boulder, CO and cycle frequently. Drop me a note and I’m happy to assist.
  2. There is a Sandusky joke for this 5th set I don't want to make. Looks like Pedo vs. NU and Louisville vs. Pitt. Could be an all PA final.
  3. Going five. 2-2, Creighton wins set four vs. Pedo.
  4. 2nd set different story. 1-1 all 🍿.
  5. Nebraska punches its semi ticket sweeping Wisconsin 3-0. NU was a bad matchup for UW this year, winning all 9 sets in 3 games.
  6. Bodhi

    Getting old sucks

    Worst foot porn ever.
  7. Crazy 3rd set between Louisville and Stanford. Louisville wins 28-26 to take a 2-1 lead.
  8. It’s BS, Raiola has confirmed he will remain at NU next season. Another 6-6 season and he certainly won’t be doing a 3rd year there.
  9. Louisville barely survives in 5th, 22-20
  10. Northern Iowa wins set 3 over #1 Louisville (2-1)
  11. Northern Iowa wins first set against Louisville (1-0).
  12. Sounds like an opportunity for a Surly road trip with a reappearance of the Pedo Bear outfit.
  13. Agreed you will have to go through someone tough. They are 1 seeds for a reason. Just not sure PSU is any easier than NU. Not having to deal with Wisconsin and Franklin as a 2 seed is a win though.
  14. PSU beat NU convincingly on Saturday. They look good.
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