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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bodhi

  1. I live in CO and started MTB again last year. One of my early observations was exactly what you shared above. This last winter I realized I didn’t want to go 5 months without riding while trail conditions weren’t suitable. Borrowed a friends gravel bike and got into that. Bought a gravel bike to add to my growing collection this spring. Mostly ride gravel or non technical single track on it but occasionally do group road rides in the mountains. Yesterday was a doozie, 62 miles 6.5k elevation gain up to 11k feet.
  2. Seems like a good week for updates. Since I was 30 I have a history of pretty big weight swings. At 5'8 I've weighed as much as 186 lbs and as little as 153 lbs. After a decade of these swings I swore I was done with them the last time I got back to a weight I was happy with (155). I was able to sustain that weight for two years but a health issue last winter combined with some bad lifestyle decisions saw me gain 13 lbs in 4 months. So, this January it was time to get back to work again. As of this morning I'm back to 155 and honestly the process has been much more enjoyable than the past. I use a diet tracker and food scale, track my protein and fat macros, and find workouts I enjoy doing. In the past I've done paleo, keto, low carb, etc. I've also done workouts I thought I should be doing but always dreaded. Obviously, that hasn't been sustainable. Currently, I rarely feel like i'm dieting most days. I enjoy the food I eat and workouts I do (cycling/hiking). The only major sacrifice has been to cut back on drinking which, at my age, I needed to anyways. Don't really have a target weight in mind any longer. I'm just going to keep on doing the same thing and see where this finally plateaus.
  3. I would speak to your physician about that. If anything, evidence shows poor quality sleep can lead to obesity. Perhaps you need to make some adjustments to your CPAP or look at another model.
  4. Bodhi


    Those are all great spots. Picture of rig?
  5. One of the biggest gravel bike races in the US, maybe the world, took place this past weekend. It is an absolutely brutal race attracting some incredible talent globally. Valtteri Bottas finished 33rd in the men's 100 mile race. That is an insane result against some elite amateur cyclists. Trying to train for that in the middle of the F1 season is also mind-blowing.
  6. Probably a lot of good deals coming up for racks on Father’s Day. I have the Thule T2 XTR and happy with it. Very solid, stable, built in locks. The nice option, I believe, with 1-Up is the ability to add additional racks onto the 2 bike setup. This would be a nice feature when I carpool with people and need room for 3-4 bikes.
  7. Memorial Day weekend check in, hope some of you are riding too. I've been fortunate to ride a lot of good MTB destinations in Colorado the past year, Buff Creek near Bailey is the best to date. Beautiful scenery, well maintained trails, a ton of flowy fun. The first 4.5 hours today were the most fun I've had riding. Unfortunately, we rode 6 hours including ~3800' of climbing. The last hour was miserable and pushed me to my limit. "Come ride part of the race course with me" really meant lets ride 90% of it.
  8. Any details on the crash? And yes, heal up quickly.
  9. First trip to Fruita this weekend. Spent my time riding and enjoying parking lot beers at 18 road. Really great trails where 30 minutes of easy climbing lead to 15 minutes flowy descents.
  10. Bodhi

    2024 NFL DRAFT

    Without premature balding we might not have Tesla or Amazon. Elon and Bezos had to be partially driven by pulling hot women.
  11. Bodhi

    2024 NFL DRAFT

    Showing signs? Thats just aggressive balding. Luckily he is rich. Just get hooked up with Elon's guy. Also, it doesn't seem to be impacting his dating success.
  12. Bodhi

    2024 NFL DRAFT

    At least he won't remember who they took in the morning
  13. Bodhi

    2024 NFL DRAFT

    Bo Nix might make a good Taysom Hill clone. Nobody wants one of those of course.
  14. Bodhi

    2024 NFL DRAFT

    Broncos are a mess. Probably should be rebuilding but doubt Payton signed up for that. So they will bad decisions.
  15. Bodhi

    2024 NFL DRAFT

    I could be missing something but think higher than that
  16. Bodhi

    2024 NFL DRAFT

    Seems to be working out for GB.
  17. Bodhi

    Uniform Pron

    Worse organizational decision than trading for R Wilson. These are so bad.
  18. Perhaps he is scared but this has been the playbook all along for each trial. Run out the clock until he wins reelection. Must have been what basketball was like prior to a shot clock? The fun part starts when he fails to get elected and switches to whatever half-cocked backup plan (russia) he has in mind.
  19. Bodhi

    Whatcha reading?

    If you are over 40 and interested in feeling like you're 65 when you are 80 I highly recommend this. A very straightforward and actionable book about minimizing your risk of the ailments we often assume are inevitable in old age (heart disease, obesity, alzheimer's, etc). I think anyone that reads this is likely to adopt several of the clear recommendations.
  20. SRAM AXS. I rode a friends gravel bike with electronic shifting and it was pretty slick. It's not necessary for me nor will it make me a better rider, but a lot of manufacturers are only including that in their higher end models now. I don't plan on upgrading my MTB with it but I will enjoy it on my gravel. Any time. I live in North Boulder and ride the front range between Lyons and Morrison typically. Just make sure to tell everyone how awful it is in CO after you move here
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