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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bodhi

  1. Bodhi

    John Clayton RIP

    Guy was fantastic interview on the radio too. Certainly a trailblazer. RIP.
  2. This. Anything to stay away from raising kids and listening to his wife's deep thoughts on the benefits of regular colon hydrotherapy.
  3. 42 and no kids. Wife and I always thought we would have one eventually but when she hit 35 I still didn't feel the desire. Got a vasectomy and left the possibility for adoption open. As another poster mentioned, energy started to become an issue. I'm a senior leader in a large corporation and find myself pretty drained at the end of each day. Not sure how I would have the energy to really invest into a small child at this point. I think the parenting ship has completely sailed now. We have a lot of money compared to our peers with kids, act pretty spontaneous still, and spend time with our families kids often. I doubt I will regret not having a child and there are plenty of pros (health, money, travel, spontaneous fun). That said, if my wife or I drop dead of cancer at 60 we may find the world to be a very lonely place. Probably not a good reason to have a child but certainly reinforces for us the importance of having a strong relationship network.
  4. Raiders fans with Mahomes, Wilson, and Herbert in the Division:
  5. I've thought that as well. I'm guessing he is smart enough to know what Russia will do once he is dead and still thinks this is the best course of action. Perhaps him, the Klitschkos, and the citizens of Kyiv fighting to their death will help galvanize a nation to resist their oppressors for as long as necessary.
  6. Those two are going to be pretty big targets if they engage in any sort of combat with guns. I think a lightweight like Lomachenko has a better chance. You know, if he hadn't fled the country already.
  7. Plus they keep playing Pulisic out of position. Savage.
  8. 130M years off or we would be having some fun
  9. Bodhi

    USMNT 2022

    Perfect GIF. I came here to see all the props to Pulisic and find out about McKennie. Can't have nice things.
  10. Bodhi

    What's Your Elevation?

    4989 and plenty of access to get higher
  11. I'm still pretty far off from Retirement but want to get there as quickly as possible. I honestly have no idea how much I need to have saved. I just arbitrarily chose the number $4.5M for my wife and I a decade ago. I spoke with a friend recently who thought that number was unnecessarily high knowing us. Most of the online resources I have come across are too simplistic to use effectively. For instance, if we want to live in a cheaper country for part of our retirement how much does that lower the amount needed? If I want to retire by 55 how much does that increase the amount necessary? I will die before my wife and want her to live in a situation that makes her happy when I'm dead, how much for that? Just curious what resources people on this board use to determine how much they need to be able to retire by certain ages?
  12. Agreed, that place will make him a ton of money. But at least I can enjoy his team sucking when the coach goes to TV and the salary cap implodes the roster. I'm a petty petty person.
  13. Interesting take, thanks. He won't be too sad when the Rams suck ass in a few years and the stadium is filled with opposing teams fans fresh off their trip to Disney. SoCal fans aren't going to show up for a mediocre football product, ask USC.
  14. Choke on your fucking whistles you bitches.
  15. Fuck Ramsey and Fuck the Rams.
  16. Anyone else miss the simpler days when Janet just flashed a nipple?
  17. Add Mary J to that list. Damn how big is Em going to be?
  18. 50 and Dre looking like they are in the middle of anaphylactic shock.
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