Seems like a good week for updates. Since I was 30 I have a history of pretty big weight swings. At 5'8 I've weighed as much as 186 lbs and as little as 153 lbs. After a decade of these swings I swore I was done with them the last time I got back to a weight I was happy with (155). I was able to sustain that weight for two years but a health issue last winter combined with some bad lifestyle decisions saw me gain 13 lbs in 4 months. So, this January it was time to get back to work again.
As of this morning I'm back to 155 and honestly the process has been much more enjoyable than the past. I use a diet tracker and food scale, track my protein and fat macros, and find workouts I enjoy doing. In the past I've done paleo, keto, low carb, etc. I've also done workouts I thought I should be doing but always dreaded. Obviously, that hasn't been sustainable. Currently, I rarely feel like i'm dieting most days. I enjoy the food I eat and workouts I do (cycling/hiking). The only major sacrifice has been to cut back on drinking which, at my age, I needed to anyways.
Don't really have a target weight in mind any longer. I'm just going to keep on doing the same thing and see where this finally plateaus.