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  1. You have to be off your meds............... no way that anyone will sell a firearm to nuts like you. Get a life.
  2. You can kiss my UT graduate ass.
  3. Socialism is not the way. Trump is the way, he has flaws but he is your PRESIDENT. Get on board or sky scream all you want. NO COLLUSION, NO OBSTRUCTION. You people are definitely passionate and good for you, get TRUMP. Be that passionate about the next president that is elected also.
  4. Melt you libtards. I can not believe I graduated from the same school as you brainwashed hacks. NO COLLUSION, NO OBSTRUCTION.
  5. Minimal, at best we have a wacko or two. Post the left wing hate committed by anti Trump (the KING) within the last years. I will be back to copy paste those.
  6. Is the KING ! He is your president until 2020 and will be your president until 2024.
  7. Well that sucks. Best wishes and make that money.
  8. Half time music sucks ass. Where is that vaunted "SEC" defense? Both teams would kill us but they are both beatable.
  9. Thank you for doing this Huckleberry, it is always fun. I fell for the SEC hype and I am glad Texas kicked that Georgia ass.
  10. Yep, why the neg for wanting Roach in for Hager? Doesn't matter as there is only one more game and we don't have to argue anymore about it. Props to Hager, he made a name for himself and his own brand honestly. Hopes he turns it in to good money because all Texas players and grads deserve a good life.
  11. I believe you Hank. I honestly am not totally on board with this coaching staff. They aren't bad but they don't blow me away either. I am just a now fag, show me now not three years from now and I know that is just unreasonable.
  12. Then why weren't the younger guys playing if they had so much potential than what was on the field? Maybe they were not ready and the coaching staff were holding them out knowing we would win the conference........... next year. What ever happened to play the best players that we have? That is why I think that this team will have a hard time next year.
  13. Because I think next year is a repeat of this year. Big boosters will get their asses in a bunch and start pressuring for a change when OU or WV wins the conference next year. Good thing is that I am usually wrong when it comes to crap like this so we got that going for us. It is just what I think as this team will be lean next year with a ton of young players.
  14. Orlando can go for all I care. See ya..
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