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Everything posted by Doc.Pringles

  1. psssst ... I'M a fucking idiot for blindly supporting mediocrity? Yeah, ok. You pussies will always be weak so long as you support a team that doesn't give a fuck (Brooks withstanding). And I'm not a Sooner. I'm not a pessimist. I'm a realist.
  2. Oklahoma is absolutely bullying these snowflakes.
  3. I'll repeat. Keep negging me asshole; clearly idgaf. I'm right. Fuck off.
  4. What's with our shitty secondary? They aren't even trying.
  5. We're TEXAS. All we produce is fucking punters and kickers. Period. Fuck you, pay me.
  7. The Longhorns are the least disciplined, bloodiest vaginas in sports history. No other team can possibly achieve this level of ineptitude. Stick a fork in her. Go ahead, ban me. You know I'm right.
  8. You realize what you described falls back on the coaching staff, right? Players crumbling under pressure? Then they aren't being coached properly. Dropping easy balls? They should probably train on that better. One of a coach's most crucial skills is the ability to adapt. There are ways to reduce the impact of a shitty OL, or to bolden your team for gameday, instill confidence, improve the QB's vision, Sure, the above generally takes time, but Sark and the players have only regressed since halftime w/ OU.
  9. Truth. I don't have the same time as I used to - only about enough to watch a game every Saturday. I didn't bother watching the 'horns play this week, and I feel a lot better for it. It is what it is. I love the Texas Longhorns. I abhor this program (as it currently stands). Neither the players nor the coaches look like they give a damn (outside of Robinson). That's inexcusable.
  10. Fraud. He doesn't adjust. Not in game, not at halftime, and obviously not mid-season. We can't keep blaming his team/players. We've played some incredible football, generally in the first half. It's there. But if Sark can't find a way to drive that level of performance all game, every game, then the L's are on him. Next.
  11. and you support the biggest joke in NCAA? No team does less with more, for a decade now. We. Are. Aggie.
  12. Sark isn't gone tomorrow. Let's be realistic. We'll keep him on payroll for 3 years, despite him being a garbage HC. Then we'll gamble with another HC rather than paying for stability, and continue our fade into mediocrity.
  13. Are these mods still a bunch of pussies banning people for saying "Fire Stark?" If so, add me to that list, you baby-dick bitches. He gotta go.
  14. .. and you’ll be singing the same shitty-take 3 years from now when we are right “again”. There is NO excuse to allow this level comeback, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen one of our teams “care less”. That falls on the HC, and expect to hear a bunch of chatter about locker-room division for the rest of the season, transfers, decommits, etc. Again.
  15. Our loss to Arkansas was one of the most embarrassing moments over the last decade or so, especially when you consider the final score is chock full with trash-points. The 2nd half of this game is one of the most embarrassing moments for this program, period. So tell me more about why Sark’s seat shouldn’t be screaming hot..
  16. Why do we even waste money on a football team at this point? Is it possible to invest worse? UT has to be the biggest joke of any sports team that has ever existed. What an absolute embarrassment.
  17. Necessary bump.
  18. 2nd game, and he HAS to go. There is NO excuse to keep Card in this long. None at all.
  19. Texas = Dallas Cowboys. It's rotten to the core. Unless you fix the real problem and culture, trotting in new coaches isn't going to make a difference. Yup. Burn it from the ground up. Frankly the entirety of Austin feels like it’s unsalvageable at this point.
  20. This. This play calling is tragic. Now look where we are at..
  21. The problem is much worse than a pussy O-Line and a washed QB. This is a major coaching issue, to the point it looks like a foundational flaw. These guys are not executing at all, making horrible mistakes including untimely penalties, and simply don't look interested in the slightest. I don't think they're playing "afraid", they just don't want to be there.. Expect locker-room drama to distract the team the rest of the season.
  22. This absolutely blows my mind. 37 of these games featured a ranked vs unranked matchup, and we were the only team to flub it. And we did twice. I know, I know, I'll fuck right off..
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