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Everything posted by LFS

  1. RIP Matthew Perry....... >> This fame thing I don't get it I wrap my hand in plastic to try to look through it Maybelline eyes and girl-as-boy moves I can take you far This star thing I don't get it <<
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-vVmomP07A
  3. embarrass de richesse....
  4. nice to see some baldemar huerta fans on heres.
  5. LFS


    and one can still (or, maybe, once again) buy MFSL vinyl?? I was around for the birth of (the cool) MFSL. not too awares re: things audiophilica these days. thx in advance.
  6. LFS


    owned this on Winyl BITD. (yes, Winyl) - the erstwhile audiophile
  7. ... and speaking of sound stage - for the money - and not much required - the spica tc 50 and the angelus were unreal. - the erstwhile audiophile
  8. random question: anyone else ever own the carver pre-amp w/ sonic holography?? very late 80's / early 90's. worked surprisingly well on some recordings. all my old gear was 'standard fare' adcom, nakamichi, sony es, snell acoustics, etc.
  9. saves a helluva lotta money at christmas.
  10. BEEFY.
  11. The Sybil Spurs - need the home games sponsored by Merck or Pfizer or whatever purveyor of The Medicide.
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