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Everything posted by LFS

  1. cousin bubba used to steam his okre in his kubota mid-summers BITD. wrap it in plastic wrap and then foil - toss on the block whilst he attended semi-meticulously to his back 5 acres. kubotokra we used to call it. seasoned properly with a little crab stock in the pouch it usu. turnt out perty well.
  2. Time for Pop to reach into his bag of bats, snakes, blown industrial-size AC compressors, and other sinister tricks to use on DDR. Let the Gaslighting begin!! He'll be begging to leave.
  3. even worse...... - weird al I think the Popster is doing exactly the correct thing.
  4. <digression>I aim to kill you with it</digression>
  5. old - kinda - drunk - no. and I hate the 3 point line.... ... and a little Dave Zinkoff for added measure.
  6. pole? dude - you are a newby. pre-pole was where it was at. 'there will be another night'. - t. stembridge.
  7. wonder what al sturchio thinks of the current state of affairs of los spurs??? I miss the orginal hemisfair - 10,070 baby! tom nissalke and bob bass, jimmy si, el hombre de hielo, special K, pat tallman, and terry stembridge.
  8. LFS


  9. well let's hope the kids were not on board. horrible news. and rick fox apparently. no need for today's games to go on. and helicopters are really hard to fly - very finicky. they can go down for odd reasons. esp in hard or steep terrain with extreme wind shifts and coastal drafts. anyway just horrible news.
  10. the epic battle for the 8 seed with phx and nola continues. memphis has the inside track to the first round slaughter. nice to see DDR playing well lately - maybe someone wants him. could do alot worse at the trade deadline. and OKC is the surprise team of the year.
  11. bring a man to ice fish and he's amused for a day, teach a man to ice fish beer drink and, well, he's hooked for life...... good showing by the crones.
  12. LFS

    Neil Peart RIP

    not gonna hold it against you that you didnt remember the mid 80's roger waters album about the mute in the wheelchair who starts WWIII communicating w/ satellites in morse code he sends from his head narrated by jim ladd.
  13. LFS

    Neil Peart RIP

    'you're listening to KAOS in los angeles' - jim ladd
  14. LFS

    Neil Peart RIP

    Jim Ladd - he of KAOS in Los Angeles.....
  15. schizoid. makes me feel like a.barltlett giamatti ^ -1.
  16. LFS

    Neil Peart RIP

    RIP der Schlagwerker.... a great talented dude. adios Neil.
  17. SAS 19 MIL 14 Origin: late Middle English: via Old French from late Latin lethargia, from Greek lēthargia, from lēthargos ‘forgetful’, from the base of lanthanesthai ‘forget’.
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