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Everything posted by PsychMike

  1. But seriously, I've been hearing a lot of businesses screaming about not having people come work for them, blaming it all on the stimulus. Maybe these folks can step up and solve the problem?
  2. Well, then he should be commended because that is one helluva competitive landscape.
  3. OMG, "lunacy" - that's very good. I doubt if anyone who voted for this idiot gets the joke. In fact, they probably don't know what the word etymology means nor have any interest in understanding the origin of words.
  4. Wait a minute, so if I hop in a DeLorean and set it for January 1, 1986 and head to the NYE "Enchantment Under the Sea" dance and cockblock Hart from meeting Rice Peeloff then I can watch my photo of Monica's blue dress as the stain disappears as do all the MAGA insurrectionists from my Jan 6 photos? Cool, challenge accepted!
  5. So you're saying she was reading this website and took FCB quite literally?
  6. Also, it overlooks the strategy of reducing the electorate by legislative voter suppression, growing that 35% without actually bringing any new souls into the tent.
  7. Well, which is it, young feller? You want I should call you a 1/6er, which is 16.7%? Mean to say, if'n I call you a Three Percenter, I can't rightly drop the idea of you being three and and a third-er.
  8. True story, my 13 year old son was in the Pfizer study. My wife and I asked him if he was interested in being in the study last December but we didn't put any pressure on him. He decided to participate because he wanted to help the community. Proud parenting moment. Of course, with randomization and blinding, we don't know if he received the active vaccine or sham placebo injection. He did have a modest reaction to it, as he felt sick and ran a low grade fever. He believed he got the real thing. But I know that there is such thing as a "nocebo effect," so I wasn't completely convinced. Fast forward to last Thursday, he can't go to school because his entire class is quarantined due to a "staff member" who was symptomatic with +Covid test. They weren't allowed can't come back for 10 days. It caused my son to miss 2 events where he was slated to receive awards and also miss his flag football game last weekend. He got tested today and the result is negative, so he can play this weekend. If we knew for sure he received the active vaccine he would've been fine to play. Now, the announcement of EUA expansion of the Pfizer vaccine to his age group, thanks in part to my son wanting to help the community. As proud as I am, I'm still pissed off at the staff member who could've avoided this BS if he/she cared about the community as much as my son does. Am I wrong to feel this way? PS We expect that they will unblind the study very soon. According to the study nurse, if he got placebo, he will be among the very first in line to get the real thing.
  9. Bingo! This can and does happen in shithole countries even when making small molecule compounds, which is one of the primary reasons the FDA has opposed drug reimportation as a means to reduce drug pricing in the US.
  10. Yeah perhaps. We used to sprint down the hill at Clark Field by Waller Creek. I think it was Spanky Stephens's strategy to force your feet to move more quickly so as to develop better speed. I have no idea whether there's scientific proof of this, but it seemed rational.
  11. Speaking of Arizona Recount, this is just great
  12. LOL, this is exactly the same thing I was just thinking. I must admit that this was the first time I ever noticed the bread dough or whatever that is, so maybe I'm slipping.
  13. Solid open field tackle by #84...on the offense.
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