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Everything posted by PsychMike

  1. Silly man, Mexico and China will pay for it.
  2. There has been a distinction about the type of activity and its association with risk. For example, singing is riskier than speaking in normal volume. It's about the force of exhaling the aerosolized viral droplets. It's not hard to see how a spin class, with and even without a shouting instructor, would be on the riskier side of things. Hence the 6 ft rule should not have been considered adequate. I'm afraid sometimes simplified messaging can lead to a false sense of security. I can't think of how many times the dotard administration has said, "but they're outside!" when someone asked them about social distancing and masks.
  3. That's fucked up. Does anyone know who Bledsoe is stealing votes from more? (I realize he won't get many, but tight race and whatnot)
  4. well shit, I do know the difference, but have been tracking both of them Carolinas. So I detest the Feinstein comments as much as everybody here but wonder if it's like when a Hollywood actor endorses a candidate and changes absolutely zero minds.
  5. OK, bad form for sure, but is there a Tar Heel at any age who gives a flying fuck about anything Diane Feinstein says?
  6. The valley with better turnout than Montgomery is good to see. San Antonio lagging. Williamson, Denton, and Collin bringing the subruban heat. That could be very good or very bad. Galveston and Brazoria probably enthused Trumpers. North County will be heavy in favor of Dotard. But the island is ridin' with Biden!
  7. Hooray for us Galveston County folks leading the way...I voted!
  8. I always thought Dick Trickle should've become a urologist instead of race car driver.
  9. Better get some ballot drop boxes over to all the ICUs in FL!
  10. Thanks @Snacks I agree. Sam ain't losing to a baby toy. Hook 'em!
  11. Lincoln Riley was born in Lubbock, lives in Norman, and still thinks Greenville, NC is the shittiest place he's ever lived.
  12. While I agree with your statement here, I just want to point out that the classic Medrol dose pack (and others) is set up as both a short-term treatment course and a taper. (6 tabs on day 1, decreasing by 1 tab each day, finishing with 1 on Day 6). Don't want to mess up the HPA (hypothalamic pituitary adrenal) axis...so tapering is always a good idea (as you stated, it's still prudent).
  13. Speaking of checkout, any chance that the hospital policy dictates that someone on staff pushes him out the front door to the car in a wheelchair?
  14. Maybe he's dead and the family is pulling a Herman Cain here?
  15. da fuq? We all know what the trajectory is, Tom, and it's not good. And worse than that is the fact that the only way we can reverse this trajectory is to move to the Southern Hemisphere, so we can circle the drain in the opposite direction.
  16. Thanks Anastasis. I don't know who Derek Lowe is, but this is an exceptional read. I like the approach he took to explain his rationale and it serves as yet another exhibit in how complicated this disease is, how much is still undetermined about the nature of this virus related to its effects on humans, and how to attack it (or prevent it) with vaccines and pharmacotherapy. The explanation of dexamethasone is particularly useful. People who don't understand this stuff (media types and politicos) jump to erroneous conclusions and it leads to dumb statements like bashing Sanjay Gupta or even Fauci. BTW, all scientists (including the smartest, best trained ones) are wrong some of the time due to the fact that we rarely have data generated by trials that are randomized and that control for all the confounding variables (like blood type, or even the amount of virus inoculum, ie, dose of the virus). That's why we rate the evidence based on study designs and we inform future studies based on emerging evidence. The process takes a very long time, which sucks because this virus is unique and had been unheard of until late last year. But let's face it, some scientists have taken some unorthodox positions during this pandemic, which has only worsened the crisis. There has been an attack on science, and the recent events almost seem like science itself has called for a reckoning.
  17. LOL, the stupid is strong as ever in MG. Drumpf never took covid seriously enough to attack it. covid will live beyond his presidency. it pains me to state that, would've rather that dotard coulda gotten a victory against this virus by early summer.
  18. I had the same thought when I heard him say that live.
  19. Hope none of you lost money betting that the MAGAts would start taking the virus more seriously now.
  20. If you happen to visit Rhodes College, be sure to stop by Alex's Tavern, just up the road a click. Ask if they have ribs that day. They're the best in Memphis, which I find to be an overrated city for ribs.
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