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Everything posted by PsychMike

  1. Oh yeah, what would you know about stuff on fire burning people up? Oh wait...
  2. Well, apparently Galveston had one yesterday, Offats Bayou style. "Over 2 dozen boats!" and that includes this inflatable gem; I wish the newspaper would've asked these paddle boarding babes if they were involved or if not, what they thought about it. What's the reason boaters come out to do this? Well Kenny here has a strong rationale: Yes, Kenny, we are in dire straits. That's exactly why we need a new president, right?
  3. that's cool, it was purely a setup for a movie line I find very funny. no ill feelings about you or camping.
  4. Camping blows. It's dirty, and I don't like sleeping on rocks...there's always a guy with an acoustic guitar that doesn't quite know how to play it. (I freaking love "Role Models")
  5. Man, what is this, the "Thots and Players" thread? Thought I accidentally clicked on the Politics Forum. Seriously though, had to look up thot. Damn I am getting old, get the fuck off my lawn.
  6. C'mon folks, eliminate 2 more meals a week to donate to my campaign! Also, eat ramen. Off brand, not that fancy ramen shit!
  7. If you keep a chemistry lab book, then hell yeah! Just make sure you clearly indicate which direction the functional groups are angling off the chiral carbons, ok?
  8. I'm a PharmD. I've been specialized in Psych Drug therapy for 25 years now, but I can always evaluate study designs.
  9. This is from the study protocol, Page 4, beginning at Line 58: They used a loading dose plus high doses to get what they calculated as the levels needed to inhibit the virus. The key to getting effective kill rates with antimicrobials is getting sufficient drug levels to the target, while avoiding excess toxicity. It seems like a reasonable approach for a hospital study with adequate monitoring in the context of severely ill patients.
  10. That title is too complicated. I'd just go with "The Aristocrats."
  11. And now she's into Dynamic Meteorology, so I am sure your statement applies for that too. She may be cray, so use false names and have an exit strategy...
  12. Just so we are clear, peanut butter-rubbed brisket, specifically Butterfinger-rubbed, is a thing and it's delicious!
  13. I've been wondering this myself (well, I wasn't limiting my thoughts to those organ systems). My friend's wife is having strange neurological symptoms that they're getting checked out. He was wondering if she has some sort of post-viral syndrome, but she never had any Covid symptoms. I mentioned that stat above about most people being asymptomatic, and we both wondered if asymptomatic carriers can eventually develop some sort of organ toxicity. I've given up on trying to apply my clinical intuition to this virus. It's an enigma.
  14. Hell yeah, and keep her there. None of the Veep speeches to elementary schools and scouts while Congress is in session.
  15. Holy shit, it's Lady Liberty! And there's no tourist crowd! Honey, clear your schedule, we are going to the Center of the World.
  16. Now there's a guy I could vote for...RIP Mr. Candy!
  17. Narrator: no, but it does have to be effective and it needs to have a more pronounced effect than the two drugs that have proven effective!
  18. Given this thread and your avatar, is there a thread where I can read some of your stories on this? (I know this thread is not the proper place) I saw that Galveston county had 5% yesterday. Does anyone remember how many days in a row this threshold should be met?
  19. Aw, shit, didn't see that you already posted.
  20. Also, I think Louis Gohmert's mask had a role in Herman Cain's death.
  21. Ernst and Collins took the same advertising class I see. Political advertising has no class at all. Mays Gilliam. He's for Cancer!
  22. You forgot the Pay Per View aspect to help pay down our National Debt. "Get your tickets to Trumpacobra 2020!"
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