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Everything posted by PsychMike

  1. My bad. Looked like the discussion veered away from it and I overlooked it. Lemme just say +1 then. Man did we get the shit kicked out of us by BlowU, after the Box said there was only one guy on our offense that was a threat.
  2. These are all very good choices, and I'd like to add Eric Metcalf.
  3. Could somebody please let Kaylee know I have a curative serum and a special way to inject it into her body from mine...
  4. I thought it went back to this...Alex Guerrero was very tight with Tom and was the architect of TB12. It didn't happen overnight, but I'm sure BB was putting together his plans for life after Brady. Although Guerrero has treated many members of the New England Patriots, there has been substantial friction with the Patriots' management and training staff over his involvement, and in December 2017, the head coach Bill Belichick and the Patriots staff stripped Guerrero of many of his team privileges.[1][5][14]
  5. Fish and Chips was basically my favorite thing to eat while in Ireland and London 15 years ago. My favorite was at Davey Byrne's in Dublin. But my favorite of all time is Sally's at the Manchester Grand Hyatt in San Diego. They use sea bass and it is the tits. And they serve it with the usual malt vinegar and tartar sauce, but also a tamarind sauce for the adventurous eaters.
  6. Yes, the vertical spit is ideal and is common for those foods you mentioned as well as the al pastor I pictured. I've watched videos of guys in Mexico city slicing meat off the vertical spits right onto the tortillas; very difficult to pull it off on the horizontal setup I have pictured. But it's still damn good.
  7. Of course, whole chicken is awesome. I've also used a basket for corn on the cob and poblanos. But my favorite is tacos al pastor. Here's an action shot from last week when I did a trial run (sorry, it was dark outside when this was taken and I was too busy with other food prep when I cooked a batch for my party Saturday).
  8. Makes me think of: "Well! As long as we have some time to kill, I think I'll have a beer." "We don't have no beer, just tequila." "What's tequila?" "I-i-i-i-it's like beer."
  9. LOL, I'm old enough to remember when Kyle Shanahan transferred here from Duke and people on the message boards wanted to call him "corch on the field" because of his race. Ha! How'd that work out for him?
  10. I guess I can assume you've been to the downstairs bar at Esquire Tavern? Damn I loved their selection, and the fact that they would let me have 1 oz pours to taste a larger variety of whiskey. Damn, I really enjoyed that Old Rip VW.
  11. I think I make pretty good burgers, but it's not the best thing I make. I'd love to make some chili for Jim, though. I love to compete in local cook-offs, purely for fun only. And I've learned a great deal from this board.
  12. Hey Jim, My family and I will miss having you, Colleen, and your awesome food here on the island. My last time in was just a few days before the announcement. I was moved by the picture of you and your lovely wife that you had just recently placed on the wall, and I hope it finds it way to a place where you and your excellent culinary vision can thrive. I will always remember how I witnessed first hand your engagement with the public: getting feedback, making right on mistakes, etc. It was obvious you cared. I see a lot of people bashing the island and I can't blame you for feeling the same, but while I love it here I do admit this: Galveston didn't deserve you. You deserved better than this place. Vaya con Dios PS, If you haven't completely moved away, please come visit my place. Would love to serve you some food that is lower in quality than what you served me 😀
  13. PsychMike

    D'onta Foreman

    That's exactly how I remember it, too. IIRC, the usual professional leagues had only begun encroaching $1 mil per year around that time. And I remember being astounded that the LA Express gave Steve Young a 10 year, $40 mil contract. I've never been that interested in the financial aspect of sports franchises but my impression is that the lasting impact of the USFL was the exponential impact they had on sports salaries. Also, since I knew Brent Johnson on the Texas FB team, and had been recruited by his dad Jimmy Johnson, I note that I thought his $200k contract to move to theU was such a large salary for a coach (he makes as much as POTUS?). It's amazing to see how far coaches' salaries have come.
  14. Yes to Katie's. And now they have a restaurant on site with legit crab cakes.
  15. Good point, but it doesn't have to be a team captain...
  16. I don't think I've had this much fun watching the Horns play football since the UGA beatdown. Wish Bevo could've had a ute mascot to run off to kick things off tonight. Otherwise, near perfection. Happy New Year, surlyworld!
  17. Good stuff there, agree. Will add that we loved the Renaissance Lodge at Sonoma.
  18. "You said chiseled twice!" "I like chiseled!"
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