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Everything posted by PsychMike

  1. I never thought I would say this, but I'm startin' to like this fuckin' guy! (Sununu)
  2. I hadn't really thought much about Belarus beyond their shitty Russian puppet regime. But apparently there are good souls there who believe in making a difference for the better...
  3. Aw, now c'mon Jimmy, you knew the Ukrainians built castles on their border with Russia and were doing this!
  4. Ukrainian resolve not going away?
  5. I like this idea, though it would be cringey IMHO, seeing them spewing crap and hearing laughter. Kind of like that Rodney Dangerfield dinner scene in Natural Born Killers. That was peak uncomfortable watching in a movie full of uncomfortable scenes. (I'm using spoiler and issuing a warning to anyone who is not familiar but wants to check it out)
  6. former username checks out (subtle faded background is cool)
  7. I wish I could believe otherwise...and I pray for your statement to come true.
  8. FYI...the term used by the South African in Lethal Weapon 2 was "Kaffir lover," which I didn't understand when I saw the movie. The Afrikaans term Kaffir-boetie (Kaffir brother) was also often used to describe a white person who fraternised with or sympathized with the cause of the black community. This would be analogous to "negro lover" and similar expressions used by white racists in English-speaking countries.
  9. Seems to me the husband IS the guy you want to have a beer with but the wife is not the gal you want running your business her mouth.
  10. BTW, his name also pisses me off because it makes me think of this:
  11. Shocking that the judge was not moved by his thoughtful plea for leniency.
  12. Just making sure...
  13. Yep, should've audibled to the old #8!
  14. For some reason this made me think of Private Cowboy saying, "Be glad to trade you some ARVN rifles. Never been fired and only dropped once."
  15. Wood 'drastically underestimates the impact of social distinctions predicated upon wealth, especially inherited wealth.' You got that from Vickers, 'Work in Essex County,' page 98, right? Yeah, I read that too. Were you gonna plagiarize the whole thing for us? Do you have any thoughts of your own on this matter? Or do you...is that your thing? You come into a bar. You read some obscure passage and then pretend...you pawn it off as your own idea just to impress some girls and embarrass my friend? See the sad thing about a guy like you is in 50 years you're gonna start doin' some thinkin' on your own and you're gonna come up with the fact that there are two certainties in life. One: don't do that. And two: You dropped a hundred and fifty grand on a f----n' education you coulda' got for a dollar fifty in late charges at the public library.
  16. Holding accountants accountable sounds so meta.
  17. It's been a decade or three since I lived near a Brams but their frozen yogurts (including soft-serve) were the tits. I used to eat way too much "Coconut Chocolate Walnut" when I could find it. And I loved the chocolate-vanilla swirl in a waffle cone, too. I used to drive a car with manual transmission and it was a bitch to shift, steer and eat that fucking waffle cone but I did it out of love. (cue "The Things We Do For Love" by 10cc)
  18. Good one, but let's be honest: Ted Cruz looks like Ted Cruz in drag which is why SNL nailed it with Aidy Bryant.
  19. For some reason this reminds me of a passage from Steve Martin's Cruel Shoes: THE UNDERTAKERS
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