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Everything posted by PsychMike

  1. I was pretty young then, but here's what left the biggest impression on me from that game: That passage was written by Stephen Ross after Jeff Leiding passed away just over 7 years ago. I tried to find video of it but couldn't. It was the birth of a Longhorn Legend. RIP Jeff!
  2. Well this seems like it sucks.
  3. The Andrew Wakefield Lancet publication linking autism to vaccines was widely reported on as good evidence until it was withdrawn and deemed fraudulent.
  4. Yep, just compare to the Eastgate chick above the passed out Kenny Hill for comparison.
  5. Wow, 6 CBs to LSU (including Fong), wut happened?
  6. I don't really do Reddit, though I don't have any negative feelings about it. What I do like is this website with a surly-worthy name. It has several "examples." https://www.sorryantivaxxer.com
  7. So. Damn. Good. Thanks, I love these.
  8. But maybe if we win by just one point we should chant, 'UNDERRATED!' That should shape public opinion properly.
  9. I thought I told him to go fuck his mother! Now go get your shine box, Napier!
  10. There's a lot of binary discussions peripheral to this thread that make it very hard to compile. If the object of our recruiting intentions is oriented toward Sarkisian's program, then Bo Davis's language is adequate. Can I ascii question regarding Evan Stewart? What's the surly consensus about where he ultimately lands?
  11. Yeah this video pretty much freaked me out: A microscopic video shows the coronavirus causing cell fusion and death in bat brain cells. This video received honorable mention in the 2021 Nikon Small World in Motion Competition. Video by Sophie-Marie Aicher & Dr. Delphine Planas.
  12. Better listen to him, he's in Pre-Med!
  13. Yeah, 3/20 here. I'm happy with late September given some business travel I'm hoping to accomplish.
  14. Hot damn, Katy was ahead of her time with this idea about dispensing ivermectin! "Come and get it, boys. Two lines, no waiting!"
  15. "The night was SULTRY…. i’m getting the hell out of here! too goddamn sultry in here!" "Where you going?" "I’m going to kill the bitch." Back to football, I am really liking the vibe for where we are right now (as in having concerns regarding passing game, rather then hearing how great it looks in practice only to get a reality check in Game1). Reverse Kool-Aid may be just what I needed. With all the debate about which QB will start, I am just oping our staff will be good at making the right changes when necessary when we play in real games. Those Cajuns could use a good ass kicking, so I hope the team is ready to oblige. I have a good feeling about our stable of running backs.
  16. LOL, no he was the 21st POTUS. I knew that without looking it up because I watched Die Hard 3. Man, that dump truck driver really knew his shit. As to the origins of the SARS CoV-2, I see many folks in the thread making definitive statements. I don't think we know anything definitive, except that China has not cooperated with proper investigations, which is the root cause of us not knowing definitively what happened. Perhaps the most important outcome regarding what has happened is for us to rethink our strategy of funding research in Wuhan, despite its strategic advantage of being Ground Zero for coronaviruses.
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