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Everything posted by MNLonghornFUKM

  1. field of dreams is on TNT right now, i havent tried watching this movie in 20 years. JEJ is just so damn good in it. dude could look down at the ground or out the window or ask a question and it should be worthy of an oscar. Fuck hes going to be missed. this ones hurting more than most celeb deaths.
  2. Don’t forget teacher Walt and Walt jr had feathery hair
  3. And get rid of all of the flavor??
  4. More importantly…. Did anyone get the critical 7 points for JEJ? I think I had him in past pools but thought he was indestructible
  5. Can you give me the @ to those who can show $25,000 at any time? Thanks
  6. That’s not a gun that’s your finger
  7. Can’t tongue grandma anymore so not a bad fallback plan for shooter
  8. respecting cops and liking cops are 2 different things. Im not going, nor do i think its wise to greet a cop tapping on my door window with his knuckle with a DONT KNOCK ON MY WINDOW LIKE THAT WHATS THE MATTER WITH YOU 9 times. I dont know why im explaining this to you, your view on cops is decided. so not only do you think you get to decide if all cops are bad or good, you get to tell everyone...errr COMMAND everyone to think the same...or we're all boot licking pussies. "Go fuck yourself" man that was harsh
  9. I dont care. She'll choke slam you and youll cry about it and live in fear of women for the next 35 years
  10. the more you post the less I believe you and your story. You called me out for no fucking reason for not responding, on a post you werent even quoting me, for not reading it. If you would've just left it and we continued on with the topic, youd be much more believable. But for voices that don't matter, you truly do try hard to convince everyone who youre "arguing" against how true and right you are and how wrong and stupid the rest of us are. Yea youre full of shit. I dont care if you lived it. Youre not proving anything to me and you never will. youre anonymous and so am I. tyreek hills traffic stop dipshittery avalanched into the cops ultra dipshittery thatll probably cost jobs and we all can see that. acting like a dipshit to any cop, whether youre protected by law or WGAF, is fucking stupid. like dcar said...its not just about knowing laws and shit...its about staying ahead of the game. Tyreek did none of that here and it showed.
  11. amazing how you have to spell it out to some. *yes im going to intentionally put a bullseye on my back so i can make the entire process 100X more difficult than it needs to be BeCaUsE lAwS* or *comply, dont be a dipshit, and dont live in the wrong apartment at UT so cops can ransack your place and spoil tv dinners*
  12. cool and your argument is calling people pussies constantly, and then tells posters they cant comment on anything due to the matter because theyve never been misidentified by police during a raid. maybe the police can kick my ass, and youll like them again.
  13. the bullshitter got rid of them. theyre no longer associated in his life, and likely better off
  14. no chopper you see this story was just brought up out of no where. and the guy who posted it goes by the name of welfarebuysmyweed on a message board filled with bullshitters. But this one instance is a true story. totally happened. source: trust him bro
  15. its common sense you stupid looking dipshit
  16. OK mr singular reality. the next time i have any thoughtful fear of the police breaking down, spoiling my TV dinners, ransacking my house and then leaving without any kind of ramification, would be the first time.
  18. first you command me to read your BS story, and now youre the judge, jury and executioner on who can and cant have an opinion on compliance because theyve never had a battering ram of cops storm through their apartment and fuck them up. this is awesome. never thought id get this far into surly depths by saying Tyreek couldve just kept his window down and we wouldnt be talking like this
  19. Your reality isnt mine and for some stupid reason you cant accept it so you resort to name calling constantly. IDGAF if you hate every cop on earth. Im allowed to have different viewpoints on cops than you. You posts reflect like im trying to fit in with the local police force and i cheer them on with every time they flip cherries on.
  20. just to let you know I believe that about as much as i believe the chokeslamming story. But damn thatd suck. Hope you were able to afford more TV dinners.
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