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Everything posted by MNLonghornFUKM

  1. no chopper you see this story was just brought up out of no where. and the guy who posted it goes by the name of welfarebuysmyweed on a message board filled with bullshitters. But this one instance is a true story. totally happened. source: trust him bro
  2. its common sense you stupid looking dipshit
  3. OK mr singular reality. the next time i have any thoughtful fear of the police breaking down, spoiling my TV dinners, ransacking my house and then leaving without any kind of ramification, would be the first time.
  5. first you command me to read your BS story, and now youre the judge, jury and executioner on who can and cant have an opinion on compliance because theyve never had a battering ram of cops storm through their apartment and fuck them up. this is awesome. never thought id get this far into surly depths by saying Tyreek couldve just kept his window down and we wouldnt be talking like this
  6. Your reality isnt mine and for some stupid reason you cant accept it so you resort to name calling constantly. IDGAF if you hate every cop on earth. Im allowed to have different viewpoints on cops than you. You posts reflect like im trying to fit in with the local police force and i cheer them on with every time they flip cherries on.
  7. so you had* friends.
  8. just to let you know I believe that about as much as i believe the chokeslamming story. But damn thatd suck. Hope you were able to afford more TV dinners.
  9. you post like you have had a lot of run ins with the cops or something. is this something personal you want to let out? so why did he get pulled over?
  10. i know, its different than yours and many who post here. Crazy concept huh?
  11. theres no rule saying you have to be 100% pro cops or 100% against pigs. i can acknowledge in any incident if i see the cop is in the wrong or if it was warranted. On a personal level? I dont want anything to do with cops so I obey.IDGAF if it infringes my rights, a night in jail would be the absolute worst so Ill avoid it. after 39 years, a few speeding tickets, no arrests and no nights in jail...id say Ive done a good job so far avoiding. I dont understand why you have to be either on 1 side on the fence or another. ive already said the cops were in the wrong the second they forced the door open. Tyreek was in the wrong the first 30 seconds, IMO. like this aint that hard to figure out after watching the body cam. there was zero aggression by the cop initially. and when the cop got aggressive he overstepped his duties majorily.
  12. got that post you commanded me to respond to dialed up yet?
  13. commanded me? yes sir. what post # are you commanding me to respond to? that no, will yes
  14. did you just self own yourself?
  15. im laughing because you think calling someone you dont know a pussy is going to ruin me. what are you seriously accomplishing?
  16. so when Undertaker or Kane choke slammed you, did a ref run out and 3 count you or were you able to kick out?
  17. thats about where im at. dont tell that welfare guy tho.
  18. lmao. resort to name calling. classic.
  19. you told me i didnt address your post, and i was a chicken shit boot licker. the only post you made to me was how dealing with law enforcement can fuck you up mentally back on page 4. you havent even quoted me or said my name until post #205, no? but im a pussy?
  20. i answered that
  21. youre not worth a reply outside of this one. "but did was he NOT ordered to roll them up" or whatever youre trying to spew. youre a waste of time and your posts suck
  22. saying Tyreek could've been a kind, decent human means youre a boot licker. or did your CR troubleshoot guide not allow you to see anyone elses perspective. you are so fucking radical its pointless to even converse to some of you. youre either 100% on one side or not and if youre not youre an idiot, piece of shit boot licking dumb son of a bitch. good fucking lord.
  23. Yea, over something a minuscule as a no seat belt ticket? i Im going to wager most if not all people on this board would comply with an officer over a seat belt, no license plate light, speeding etc. Most here hate cops, but theyre not going to show it or say it because whats the gain? they have you pulled over for something, get the ticket, get the warning, fight it in court and we move on? Is Tyreek a decent human? i mean...
  24. oh youre so mean.
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