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Everything posted by EvilCaseMcCoy

  1. Baker, Johnny, Weeden, Quinn just off the top of my head in the span since Carson Palmer.
  2. Well, Teresa Palmer's hot as balls so it has that going for it. The only part worth watching
  3. Yes, I want to nap on a plane. I've got no problem with being a lil bitch baby.
  4. It does. It's exacerbated on the back end and it's not the leg space. It's the tray table. I want to rest my head on that and nap, but when the chair is reclined it smashes into my head. Plane seats are tiny, why eat into your fellow man's already shitty allotted space?
  5. Go head, love that warm glow from royally fucked men, doesn't bother me none. But, you recline your chair I will end you. i.e. stew in my seat and never do anything except maybe knee you in the back or *accidentally* drop my luggage on your head.
  6. Recliners are dicks. The recline feature is provides minimal benefit for the recliner and significantly ruins the experience for the person behind. The thing only reclines like 5 degrees, does it really provide THAT much comfort?
  7. We wouldn't need RQ if the league would stop bullying Randy with their BS indefinite suspension. Indefinite is unacceptable and is prob because they are too incompetent to figure out actual timelines for punishment.
  8. I thought it was Sandler the whole time!
  9. He is working out at The Star per his insta I love Dez, but he's lost a step and is a cancer. Snake Lee!
  10. He gets better, as does everything else somehow.
  11. It's definitely worth it. First season is prob the weakest, but after that it's exceptional. They have a few belters in season 1 that are elongated, but I figure they just didn't have enough long stringy actors to make it work for the show.
  12. Man, was a little worried after season 4 ep 4 and 5. Felt like fillers for a show that doesnt have fillers. Next 4 were the shit though. Got the finale tonight after the SB. Really pumped! The wife and I love this show.
  13. This is the first space opera type show I've watched. Just cool, as I've never noticed those physics standards in Star Trek or Star Wars.
  14. If Tua's there at 17, I'm drafting him and signing rivers to a 1 year deal
  15. Was curious as to why the ships look like they're flying backwards in some scenes. https://www.wired.com/story/the-physics-of-a-spinning-spacecraft-in-the-expanse/
  16. Well he led the NFC team in tackling so he's got that going for him.
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