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Everything posted by EvilCaseMcCoy

  1. Based on what I'm reading about Moore, that sounds like that's his plan. He said our personnel versatility will allow us to run the same plays out of multiple formations and multiple plays out of the same formations. We'll see. Anything's gotta be better than stale old Linehan.
  2. I'm intrigued by the Gresch Jensen commit. He had a pretty good redshirt freshman year at Montana under new OC Bob Stitt.
  3. I never watched the latest season of BCS and have no interest. Is it worth the watch?
  4. Clearly they've been making a bunch of monies playing festivals.
  5. Hmm, maybe they'll send back Chaz Green as part of the deal.
  6. I completely agree. Also, with Durant potentially leaving GSW the west could get blown wide open.
  7. Well if you can't beat em, join em.
  8. I'm confident Jones probably woulda been there on day 2, but whateves. If they believe he's the guy, I guess you go get him.
  9. Hate, I think it's time we talked about your drinking... It's done a great service for our team and I applaud your effort. Keep it up!
  10. Does that mean that Gendry would have more of a claim than Jon?
  11. Arent the WW supposed to be a metaphor for global warming? That it's always a looming threat but we just waste our time politicking.
  12. Toddlers can be pretty effective if used properly. Maybe that's part of the NK's master plan.
  13. Dude, not cool. The dude already has a diseased quad.
  14. By who? Sansa? So you're saying Jon's best friend, brother and sister are the only one's who can corroborate this story? Seems like traitorous behavior to me!
  15. Pretty sure he already lent a hand to the Starks.
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