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Everything posted by EvilCaseMcCoy

  1. They just look like the eagles
  2. Yeah, the book was not bad, but pretty depressing. I couldn't finish the second book as it was too slow. When the show ditched the source material, it seemed to really take off.
  3. Uh, pretty sure Carlton Banks went to Princeton dude. I bet you feel silly now.
  4. Clearly youve never had mommy issues
  5. Total bullshit. Garrett went to Princeton and spent years in the NFL. No way he has issues with people of color. Seems like some reverse racism right here.
  6. Anyone else watch this show? It's pretty entertaining. Don't watch? Here are some reasons why: 1) 2) 3) 4)
  7. I see. I wonder with a bigger Ingram it will make more sense.
  8. Agreed. Isn't that what they did a lot of last year?
  9. Dont you mean TU? #aggie
  10. My friend worked on this film. He said Danny G loves jolly ranchers and calls everyone baby.
  11. I used to love Kobe vs Manu. On one end you've got Kobe the self proclaimed best player to ever play the game and on the other you have egoless Manu who's the ultimate team player. Manu used to go toe to toe, much to Kobe's frustration. It was like who is this guy who thinks he can cover me or score on me? Manu didn't care, he was just there to play ball. I got the same feeling when watching Kawhi vs Lebron for the first time, but those memories are now dead to me.
  12. Man, imagine what we could've gotten with Mike White as bait.
  13. Well, I just saved 15% or more on my car insurance by switching to Geico. Sorry, you walked right into that one buddy!
  14. Does that include web backs?
  15. Parenthood. I was young and didnt have many options. I seem to remember Ted Danson's wifes boobies being on display though.
  16. We got Dorance Armstrong guys. We good.
  17. Pshh, they were just happy to have you occupied enough for them to bang one out. How do you think your little bro came to be?
  18. Duh, have you seen his girlfriend?
  19. Vic is a kept man now. It makes him a little more bitter.
  20. Well sir, it appears we have bested the field. I say good day.
  21. Some of their sketches are pretty dark.
  22. You get out of here with your facts dickwad!
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