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Everything posted by EvilCaseMcCoy

  1. David Irving? Oh, no, they said Antwan Woods. Maybe it was only active guys or maybe they didn't count PS.
  2. I love the info they showed on sunday about it being homegrown. Only 1 player on the D has played for a different team.
  3. He's totally alive. They are going to do 3 made for TV movies with him and his new story (per Scott Gimple and AMC).
  4. Fuck this losing bullshit. Take the win pussy! Fight!!!
  5. I see. Well, maybe we can just keep Ginger and bring in Haley then.
  6. So PB was wrong and you don't have the envy? Regarded analysts have linked him as a candidate for the Cowboys job. You not a fan of that proposal?
  7. Well, good thing we didn't let ginger get away.
  8. Cleary you need to rewatch like our boy HG, because it's easy to notice a couple things that are worthy.
  9. 1 playoff win. Let's not get all generous here by giving him 2.
  10. Cleary you don't understand the bend and break defense.
  11. Jerry looked pretty disappointed last night so hopefully he's ready to make a change. That was the worst game I've seen in recent memory. To start so dominate only to completely fall apart was absolutely painful. Thats on coaching. They need to set the tone and keep guys inspired.
  12. By giving a little girl half pigtail half straight hair, Rick's colt python, Carl's hat, and Michonne's sword, then making her introduce herself like James Bond. I'm Judith, Judith Grimes. In other news, for those who may have read the comics, the credits appear to be finally touching back to that narrative.
  13. Also, having 3 Rick movies where he's not desperately trying to get back to Michonne and Judith, let alone Alexandria, doesn't make any sense. I bet them pull some amnesia bull shit or something.
  14. Brain washing and fear. Man BL has surly done a number on us. Also, doesn't seem like they are looking for fresh posters as they haven't had a new member since August.
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